起床的英文 起床用英語怎麼說?
get up 站起來;起床
rise v.升起;上升;起身;站起;隆起;高起;增加;增長;上漲;提高;改善;接近
常用 權威
1. 起床號
2. 起床鈴
getting-up bell;morning/reveille bell
3. 一大早起床
get up at dawn
4. 天矇矇亮起床
get up at daybreak
5. 習常六點起床
usually get up at six
1. 新年的早晨,愛德華早早起床
Edward rose early on the New-year morning.
2. 琳達通常在早上 8:00 起床。
Linda usually gets up at 8: 00 in the morning.
3. 他幾乎不熬夜,並且起床很早。
He hardly stays up late, and he is an early bird.
4. 鬧鐘一響,我就起床衝了個澡。
The minute the alarm clock went off, I got up and took a quick shower.
5. 今天早上我很早起床去機場接我奶奶。
I got up early this morning to pick up my grandma at the airport.
6. 我們中的許多人仍然很難起床按時赴約。
Man of us still have trouble getting out of bed on time and not missing appointments.
7. 作為出路,我決定比平時早兩個小時起床。
As a way out, I decided to get up two hours before my usual time.
8. 很多人發現早上很難起床,並將責任歸咎於鬧鐘。
Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.
9. 每天同一時間睡覺和起床,即使是在週末或休息日。
Go to bed and get up at the same time each day, even on weekends or your days off.
10. 堅持你設定的就寢時間和起床時間,不管是哪一天。
Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.
起床(qǐ chuǎng),本意離床下地、起身,如:陳翔鶴 《不安定的靈魂》:“每日都要到十一點鐘時才能起床。”喻指病癒,如:清·沈復《浮生六記·浪遊記快》:“父病漸痊,芸亦得徐力起床。”
動詞 get up; get out of bed; rise
1. 我起床起得晚。
I'm a late riser.
2. 他每天總是天剛亮就起床。
Everyday he gets up at daybreak.
3. 他起床了沒有?
Is he up yet?
4. 病人已經起床走動了。
The patient was up and about.
5. 早早起床
rise very early; rise with larks
6. 起床晚/早
get up late/early