健康的英文 健康用英語怎麼說?
physique n.體格;體形
healthy adj.健康的;良好的;健全的;有益的;正常無病的;明智的;無成見的;合意的
sound n.聲;醫用探子;海峽;海灣;聲音;意味;樂音;聽力範圍;無線電廣播;言外之意
常用 權威
1. 健康證
health certificate
2. 心身健康
mentally and physically healthy
3. 健康狀況
health condition; state of health
4. 影響健康
affect health
5. 健康睡姿
healthy sleeping position
6. 健康食品
health food
7. 健康隱患
health risk/hazard
8. 保持健康
maintain one's health; keep fit
9. 身體健康
be healthy
10. 健康保險
health insurance;health insurance
11. 心理健康
mental health
12. 健康檢查
health examination/checkup
13. 生態健康
ecological health
14. 人體健康
human health
15. 享有健康
enjoy good health
16. 健康養生
health care
17. 心智健康
be mentally healthy
18. 健康證明
health certificate
19. 增進健康
build up one's health
20. 健康成長
grow up healthy and sound
1. 我們不必學習如何保持心理健康。
We don't have to learn how to be mentally healthy.
2. 吃健康簡單的食物,如湯或米飯。
Eat healthy simple foods such as soup or rice.
3. 因此,你一整天都會吃得更健康。
As a result, you will eat more healthily throughout the day.
4. 孩子出生後,她可能會恢復健康。
She will probably get well again after the birth of the baby.
5. 這對我們的健康和環境都有好處。
It's good for our health and the environment.
6. 健康飲食的基本要素也沒有爭議。
Nor are the basic elements of healthy eating disputed.
7. 行業遊說使得很難獲得健康食品。
D)Industry lobbying makes it hard to get healthy foods.
8. 健康的樹木還能更好地抵禦昆蟲。
Healthy trees are also better able to fend off insects.
9. 早睡早起使人健康、富有、聰明。
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
10. 他們往往在身體和精神上更健康。
They tend to be healthier physically and mentally.
健康(jiàn kāng),漢語詞語,指一個人在身體、精神和社會等方面都處於良好的狀態。 健康是人的基本權利,也是人生的第一財富。傳統的健康觀是“無病即健康”,現代人的健康觀是整體健康,世界衛生組織提出“健康不僅是軀體沒有疾病,還要具備心理健康、社會適應良好和有道德”。
健康是深圳市歡太科技有限公司運營的一款運動健身類App。 2021年6月11日,因違法違規收集使用個人資訊,健康被國家網際網路資訊辦公室通報。
名詞 health; physique
1. 祝您健康長壽!
I wish you health and longevity!
2. 健康勝於財富。
Good health is above wealth.
3. 健康乃無價之寶。
Good health is a pearl beyond price.
4. 由於健康原因
for health reasons
5. 身體/精神健康
physical/mental health
6. 健康有問題
have health problems
7. 增進健康
build up one's health
8. 有害/有益健康
do harm/good to sb's health
9. 危害/影響健康
damage/affect sb's health
10. 恢復健康
regain one's health; be restored to health
11. 保持健康
keep/stay fit
形詞 healthy; sound
1. 就其年齡而言,她身體非常健康。
She is in excellent condition for a woman of her age.
2. 他很健康。
He is very healthy. / He is as sound as a bell.
3. 工業在健康發展。
The industry is growing soundly. / The industry is doing fairly well.
4. 健康有益的活動
healthy and beneficial activities
5. 健康的飲食
healthy diet
6. 健康的體格
sturdy constitution
7. 健康的經濟
healthy/sound economy
8. 健康的膚色
healthy complexion
9. 健康的兒童讀物
healthy reading for children
10. 健康帶菌者
healthy carrier
11. 身心健康
be sound in mind and body; be physically and mentally healthy
12. 身體健康
be in good/fine health; enjoy/have excellent/good health
13. 健康成長
grow up healthy and sound