困難的英文 困難用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-10



difficulty n.困難;困境;難題;難事;險境;難懂的事

常用 權威



1. 困難戶

families with material/financial difficulties

2. 誇大困難

exaggerate the difficulties;magnify difficulties

3. 漠視困難

brush difficulties aside

4. 生活困難

live in straitened circumstances

5. 許多困難

a lot of difficulties

6. 任何困難

any difficulty

7. 益發困難

increasingly difficult

8. 擺脫困難

get out of difficulties

9. 碰到困難

run up against difficulties

10. 呼吸困難

(respiratory) dyspnea

11. 困難地區

distressed area

12. 蔑視困難

scorn difficulties

13. 說話困難

be difficult to talk

14. 加重困難

aggravate the difficulty

15. 估計困難

assess a difficulty

16. 困難年代

difficult years

17. 排尿困難

have difficulty in urination; dysuria

18. 發聲困難


19. 經濟困難

economic woes; financial straits/difficulties

20. 困難補助

hardship grant;subsidy to those in financial difficulties


1. 當面對困難時,他們很容易崩潰。

They easily break down when they face difficulties.

2. 他在閱讀和拼寫單詞方面有困難

He had difficulty in reading and spelling words.

3. 他在修理這臺儀器時遇到了困難

He met with difficulties in repairing the instrument.

4. 例如,他們可能會放棄困難的課程。

For instance, they may drop difficult coursework.

5. 購買、儲存和烹飪魚並不困難

Buying, storing, and cooking fish isn't difficult.

6. 熱衷於加劇皇帝困難的英國人。

The British, ever keen to exacerbate the emperor's difficulties.

7. 那次旅行是一堂困難但有價值的課。

That trip was a difficult but valuable lesson.

8. 對他們來說,堅持節食是很困難的。

It can be really hard for them to stick to a diet.

9. 我會學會勇敢面對困難,永不放棄。

I will learn to face the difficulties bravely and never give up.

10. 極度寒冷的天氣和缺氧是兩大困難

Terribly cold weather and too little oxygen(氧氣)were two main difficulties.



困難(拼音:kùn nan,英文:difficulty),漢語詞語,指的是處境艱難,亦指事情複雜、阻礙多;也指生活窮困。例句有“任何困難也阻擋不住中國人民前進的步伐”。 相關近義詞有挫折、清貧、障礙,反義詞有輕易、簡單、容易。



名詞 difficulty

1. 這項教學任務對他來說沒有任何困難。

To him, the teaching task involves no difficulty.

2. 遇到困難時,請參閱操作手冊。

When in difficulty, consult the manual.

3. 學生在閱讀中的主要困難在於對關鍵詞的理解。

The students'chief difficulty in reading lies in the understanding of the key words.

4. 你聽別人講英語有困難嗎?

Do you find any difficulty in understanding spoken English?

5. 在戰爭年代他們迎著困難,奮勇前進。

They pressed on in the face of difficulties in times of war.

6. 經濟困難

economic difficulties/distress

7. 技術上的困難

technical difficulty

8. 長期/暫時困難

long-term/temporary difficulties

9. 財政困難

financial difficulties

10. 把困難留給自己,把方便讓給別人

try to tackle the difficulties oneself while letting the others benefit from the conveniences

11. 說話困難

be difficult to talk

12. 呼吸困難

breathe with difficulty; have difficulty breathing

13. 戰勝困難

conquer/vanquish the difficulty

14. 增加困難

add to the difficulties; increase the difficulty (of)

15. 造成嚴重困難

cause/create/constitute a serious difficulty

16. 遇到困難

get/run into difficulties; confront/encounter/experience difficulties; come across difficulties

17. 與各種困難作鬥爭

struggle against/combat various difficulties; wrestle/grapple with various difficulties

18. 勇敢地面對困難

boldly confront/face difficulties

19. 消除困難

iron out difficulties

20. 排除困難

clear up/clear away/remove difficulties

21. 面臨重重困難

be beset by difficulties

22. 誇大困難

magnify difficulties

23. 克服困難

get over/tide over/overcome/conquer/surmount difficulties; clear up difficulties

24. 解決困難

resolve/solve a difficulty; smooth away/out the difficulties

25. 加重困難

aggravate the difficulty

26. 迴避困難

avoid/dodge/shirk a difficulty

27. 估計困難

assess a difficulty

28. 度過困難

tide over a difficulty

29. 低估困難

underrate/underestimate the difficulty (of)

30. 擺脫困難

get out of difficulties

31. 把困難減小到最低限度

minimize a difficulty

形詞 financially difficult; in financial difficulties/troubles; in straitened circumstances

1. 經濟困難的學生

students in financial straits

2. 財政困難的工作單位

financial ailing work units

3. 困難年代

difficult years

4. 生活困難

live in straitened circumstances
