傳送的英文 傳送用英語怎麼說?
dispatch v.派遣;傳送;迅速辦妥;對付對手;殺死
send v.運送;傳送;郵寄;發訊息;使處於某種狀態;顛簸;上升
常用 權威
1. 傳送器
2. 受控傳送器
controlled sender
3. 傳送電報
transmit a telegram
4. 傳送視窗
send window
5. 盲目傳送
blind transmission
6. 傳送端
transmitting terminal
7. 信標傳送機
beacon transmitter
8. 傳送簡訊
send a text message
9. 噪聲傳送器
noise transmitter
10. 傳送旅客
dispatch travellers
11. 傳送電子郵件
send an e-mail (message)
12. 傳送無線電訊號
send (out) radio signals
13. 傳送一批手套
forward a shipment of gloves
14. 傳送貨物清單
list of forwarded traffic
15. 傳送電信稿
send a dispatch
16. (向下級法院)傳送裁定
hand down a decision
17. 以(電子郵件)附件形式傳送
send as an attachment
18. 以(電子郵件) 附件形式傳送
send as an attachment
1. 政府向全國各地的官員傳送了簡報。
The government had news sheets sent to officials in the whole country.
2. 1月,他傳送了另一條訊息。
In January he sent another message around.
3. 它包括使用文字傳送資訊。
It includes the use of words to send information.
4. 當然,經理們不應該一直不停傳送郵件。
And of course, managers shouldn't keep resending emails.
5. 最後,作者將完成的手稿傳送給出版商。
Finally, the author sends the completed manuscript to a publisher.
6. 向八家不同的玻璃製造商傳送了產品請求。
A product request was sent to eight different glass makers.
7. 傳送或接收即時資訊。
Send or receive instant messages.
8. 它們向你的大腦傳送關於你頭部位置的資訊。
They send messages to your brain about the position of your head.
9. 5G手機傳送影片的速度比4G手機快得多。
A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much faster than the one with 4G.
10. 它充當郵遞員,透過在街道上滾動來傳送包裹。
It works as a postman and sends packages by rolling around the streets.
動詞 transmit by radio
1. 傳送無線電訊號
send (out) radio signals
2. 傳送簡訊
send a text message
3. 傳送電子郵件
send an e-mail (message)
4. 傳送電信稿
send a dispatch
5. 傳送電報
transmit a telegram
動詞 dispatch; send
1. 以(電子郵件) 附件形式傳送
send as an attachment
2. 傳送貨物清單
list of forwarded traffic
3. 傳送一批手套
forward a shipment of gloves
4. 傳送檔案/信件/邀請函
dispatch documents/letters/invitations
5. 傳送旅客
dispatch travellers
6. 傳送貨物
deliver/dispatch goods
動詞 handle funeral arrangements; send the coffin to the cemetery