去睡覺的英文 去睡覺用英語怎麼說?
General 更新 2025-03-06
go to bed 去睡覺
常用 重點詞彙
1. 媽媽催促孩子們去睡覺。
Mother hastened the children off to bed.
2. 有一次我直到凌晨2點才去睡覺。
On one occasion I stayed up until two in the morning.
3. 當你累了想睡覺的時候,你可以說:\我需要去睡覺了。\
When you are tired and you want to go to bed, you can say, \I need to hit the hay.\
4. 有一點同類選擇誰你去睡覺由於。
Kinda like choose who you going to sleep with.
5. 現在去睡覺,琳娜…同時也記住。
Now go to bed, Linna…and remember.
6. 編輯將報紙付印後就去睡覺了.
The editor went to bed after he put the newspaper to bed.
7. 我的女兒一直到我回來後才去睡覺。
T gone to bed until I came back.
8. 我得去
Paul: I've got go to bed, have to work tomorrow.
9. 你根本就不想要什麼藥。去睡覺吧。
You don't want medicine: go to bed!
10. “去睡覺,約翰說, ”陳斯科特。
\ Go to bed , John , \ said Mrs scott .
go to bed