水杯的英文 水杯用英語怎麼說?
cup n.杯子;杯狀物;混合飲料
water glass n.水玻璃;玻璃筒鏡
1. 艾米麗在老師面前摔倒,把水杯掉在託尼的褲子裡。
Emily falls down in front of the teacher and drops the glass of water in Tony's pants.
2. 他拿起講桌上的水杯喝了一小口,然後接著往下講。
He sipped at the glass of water on the lectern and then resumed.
3. 酒杯和水杯要放到右上角的位置。
The wine glasses and water tumbler are arranged to the top right of each setting.
4. 伸手去拿水杯, 但是夠不著。
The invalid reached for the glass but could not get it.
5. 水杯的形狀是怎樣影響喝水量的呢?
How does the shape of a glass affect how much you drink?
6. 免費提供一次性水杯和開水。
Free disposable cup and boiled water.
7. 杯嘴能有助寶寶舒適地從奶瓶過渡到水杯。
The soft long spout helps your child make a comfortable transition from bottle to cup.
8. 他把自己的水杯沖洗乾淨,等著水涼下來。
He had to rinse his own drinking cup and wait until the water ran cold in the faucet.
9. 先把手柄套在水杯上。
Put the handles onto the cup.
10. 當渴了時,竹子在護林員手中又變成了水杯。
When they were thirsty, the ranger would make cups out of bamboo.
水杯(cup)又稱杯子。通常是人們盛裝液體的容器,平時可用來喝茶、喝水、喝飲料等。 水杯多呈圓柱形,上面開口,中空,以供盛物。水杯也有很多種類,如保溫杯,開口杯,環行杯,智慧水杯等等很多。水杯的材質有玻璃杯、不鏽鋼杯、塑膠杯、一次性紙杯、陶瓷杯等。