疲勞的英文 疲勞用英語怎麼說?
tired adj.疲倦的;疲勞的;累的;厭倦的;厭煩的;陳舊的;不新鮮的;用舊了的;陳腐的
fatigued adj.疲乏的
weary adj.疲勞的;疲倦的;厭倦的;不耐煩的;使人疲勞的;令人厭煩的;沉悶乏味的
fatigue n.極度疲勞;疲乏;勞累;雜役;勞動;勞損;熱情減退;疲勞;反應遲鈍
tiredness n.疲倦;疲勞
weariness n.厭倦;疲倦;疲勞
exhaustion n.精疲力竭;耗盡;枯竭;窮竭
常用 權威
1. 眼疲勞
2. 擺脫疲勞
relieve one's fatigue
3. 疲勞審問
gruelling interrogation
4. 視力疲勞
asthenopia; eyestrain
5. 眼睛疲勞
6. 消除疲勞
allay tiredness
7. 感到疲勞
feel fatigued
8. 肌肉疲勞
muscular fatigue;muscular fatigue
9. 機械疲勞
mechanism fatigue
10. 疲勞故障
wear-out failure
11. 減輕疲勞
lessen fatigue
12. 疲勞強度
fatigue strength
13. 疲勞測定
fatigue measurement
14. 振動疲勞
vibration fatigue
15. 疲勞駕駛
fatigue driving; drowsy driving
16. 疲勞試驗
alternating bending test/testing; endurance test; protracted test; fatigue test
17. 神經疲勞
nervous strain; mental fatigue
18. 光電疲勞
photoelectric fatigue
19. 磁性疲勞
magnetic fatigue
20. 免除疲勞
avoid fatigue
1. 疲勞是另一個原因,受傷很常見。
Tiredness is another, and injuries(受傷) are common.
2. 睡眠可以幫助身體修復疲勞的組織。
Sleep can help the body repair its tired tissue (組織).
3. 醫生尤其容易產生決策疲勞。
Medical doctors are especially susceptible to decision fatigue.
4. 導致疲勞的不是小睡,而是深度睡眠。
A deep sleep instead of a daily nap will lead to tiredness.
5. 人類司機在駕駛時很容易分心或疲勞。
Human drivers become easily distracted or tired while driving.
6. 相反,把它作為一個減少決策疲勞的機會。
Instead, use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue.
7. 決策疲勞可能會阻礙人們做出明智的決定。
Decision fatigue may prevent people making wise decisions.
8. 它不太可能引起疲勞。
It's less likely to cause tiredness.
9. 我可以長時間專注於一項心理作業而不感到疲勞。
I can focus on a mental task for long periods without feeling tired.
10. 這些方案几乎沒有針對過度疲勞和脫離的根本原因。
These programs do little to target the root causes of burnout and disengagement.
形詞 tired; fatigued; weary
1. 在陰暗處看書眼睛容易疲勞。
The eyes strain easily if you read in poor light. / Reading in semi-darkness tires the eyes easily.
2. 她容易感到疲勞。
She is easily tired. / She fatigues easily.
3. 身心疲勞
be mentally and physically exhausted; be weary in body and mind
4. 疲勞過度
be excessively fatigued
5. 感到疲勞
feel fatigued
名詞 fatigue; tiredness; weariness; exhaustion
1. 噪聲會加劇疲勞。
Noise hastens fatigue.
2. 戰鬥疲勞
combat/battle fatigue
3. 眼疲勞
4. 聽覺疲勞
auditory fatigue
5. 神經疲勞
nervous strain; mental fatigue
6. 身體疲勞
physical strain; bodily/physical fatigue
7. 腦力疲勞
brain/intellectual fatigue
8. 精神疲勞
mental fatigue/strain
9. 肌肉疲勞
muscular fatigue
10. 消除疲勞
banish/break/dissipate/relieve fatigue
11. 減輕疲勞
lessen fatigue
12. 擺脫疲勞
relieve one's fatigue
名詞 fatigue
1. 彈性疲勞
elastic fatigue
2. 金屬疲勞
metal fatigue
3. 機械疲勞
mechanism fatigue
4. 光電疲勞
photoelectric fatigue
5. 磁性疲勞
magnetic fatigue
6. 疲勞強度
fatigue strength