交易的英文 交易用英語怎麼說?
deal v.發;買賣;交易;處理;給予…;討論;對待;給予;論及;發放
trade n.貿易;交易;生意;職業;行業;手藝;信風;貿易風;同業;同仁
transact business 交易業務
business n.事業;職業;行業;交易;生意;商業;系列事件;表演;受歡迎的人;難題
transaction n.交易;業務;交易行為;交流;相互影響;議事錄;公報;事務;事項
常用 權威
1. 交易日
trading day; market-day
2. 交易所
3. 交易會
commodities/trade fair
4. 交易場
trading market
5. 交易額
trading volume; volume of trade
6. 一攬子交易
package deal;package deal
7. 房地產交易
real estate transactions
8. 地產交易
real estate transaction
9. 抵償交易
offsetting transaction
10. 證券交易
securities trading/transaction; dealings in securities
11. 即期交易
spot transaction
12. 無形交易
invisible transaction
13. 買回交易
buy-back deal
14. 限額交易
rationed exchange
15. 遠期交易
forward trading
16. 股票交易所
stock exchange
17. 人才交易會
talent fair
18. 證券交易所
securities exchange; stock exchange; bourse
19. 無紙化交易
paperless trading; scripless trading
20. 走私交易
contraband trade
1. 阿里巴巴在紐約證券交易所上市。
Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange.
2. 新的數字技術使得股票交易更加快速。
New digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities.
3. 他們可能無法學習商業交易的法律程式。
They may not be able to learn the legal procedures for business transactions.
4. 為未來的交易樹立榜樣。
Set an example for future deals.
5. 哦,交易大街上有一家。
Oh, here is one on Market Street.
6. 幾乎交易一完成,Facebook(臉書)就違背了諾言。
Facebook broke the promise almost as soon as the deal went through.
7. 交易就是交易——很明顯,除非涉及到Entergy公司。
A deal is a deal—except, apparently, when Entergy is involved.
8. 在前往布哈拉的途中,他因被懷疑從事毒品交易而嚐到了警察的厲害。
On his way to Bukhara he gets a taste of police methods when suspected of drug dealing.
9. 那是一筆對大家都划算的交易。
That was a profitable deal for everyone.
10. 這次來我盼望能敲定這筆交易。
I came in the hope that I could clinch the deal.
交易(jiao yi),漢語詞語。該詞原指以物易物,後泛指買賣商品。
動詞 buy and sell; deal; trade; transact business
1. 這次發行的有價證券今年十月上市交易。
The newly-issued securities will be listed this October.
2. 公開進行武器交易
openly trade in arms
名詞 business; deal; trade; transaction
1. 證券交易今天相當疲軟。
The stock market was rather lethargic today.
2. 那筆交易你上當了。
You have been had over that bargain.
3. 交易活躍。
Exchange was heavy.
4. 交易告吹。
The deal fell through.
5. 資產交易
property transaction
6. 政治交易
political deal
7. 一攬子交易
package deal
8. 現金交易
cash transaction
9. 賒賬/信用交易
transaction/deal on credit; credit transaction
10. 權錢交易
deal between power and money
11. 黑市/鉅額交易
black-market/extensive transaction
12. 公平交易
fair/square deal
13. 非法/合法交易
illegal/legitimate dealing/transactions
14. 房地產交易
real estate transactions
15. 獨家交易
exclusive dealing
16. 產權交易
property rights transaction
17. 骯髒的/幕後交易
dirty/backstage deal
18. 拿原則做交易
barter away principles
19. 取消交易
call off an engagement
20. 簽署交易
sign a deal
21. 進行交易
carry on transactions
22. 達成交易
make/conclude/close a deal/transaction; enter into a deal; strike a deal
23. 一筆/宗交易
a deal/transaction