參觀者的英文 參觀者用英語怎麼說?
visitor n.來訪者;參觀者;遊客;來訪運動隊隊員;客隊隊員;督察員;督導;暫棲候鳥
1. 一些藝術形式可以容納大量的參觀者。
Some forms of art can accommodate huge crowds of visitors.
2. 我非常喜歡他,以至於我讓一位參觀者給那幅畫和我拍了一張照片。
I liked him so much that I asked a visitor to take a photo of that painting and me.
3. 參觀者請勿觸控展品。
Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.
4. 許多參觀者駐足觀看。
Many visitors stopped to watch.
5. 參觀者應該在福特路站下車。
Visitors should alight at the Fort Road stop.
6. 展覽吸引了大量的參觀者。
The exhibition attracted vast numbers of visitors.
7. 參觀者被領進兩個大廳。
The visitors were herded into two large halls.
8. 展覽會吸引了創紀錄的10,678名參觀者。
The fair attracted a record-breaking 10,678 visitors.
9. 參觀者絡繹不絕。
There is a steady stream of visitors.
10. 參觀者必須由俱樂部成員陪同。
Visitors must be accompanied by club members.