財務的英文 財務用英語怎麼說?
financial affairs/matters; monetary affairs; person in charge of financial affairs
常用 權威
1. 財務科
finance section;finance section
2. 財務處
office of financial affairs
3. 財務計劃
financial planning
4. 財務會計
financial accounting
5. 財務制度
regulation for financial work
6. 財務狀況
financial position/status
7. 財務報告
financial report;financial report
8. 管理財務
order finances; finance
9. 主管財務
manage the finances
10. 財務比率
financial ratios
11. 財務報表
financial statement
12. 公司財務
corporate financing
13. 財務會計學
financial accounting
14. 財務管理
finance management; financial control
15. 財務監督
financial supervision
16. 財務開支
financial expense
17. 企業財務
business finance
18. 預計財務報表
projected financial statement
19. 財務會計制度
financial and accounting rules
20. 財務諮詢
financial counselling
1. 人們會遇到三種主要的財務壓力。
There're three main types of financial stress people encounter.
2. 我根本沒有達到他們的財務下限。
And I simply don't meet their financial threshold.
3. 我別無選擇,只能建立自己的財務。
I have no other choice but to build up my own finances.
4. 大學對自己的財務行使控制權。
D) Colleges exercise foil control over their own financial affairs.
5. 個人的財務狀況經常被低估。
An individual's financial status was often underestimated.
6. 有時,我們會有財務風險,例如買房。
Sometimes, we take financial risks, such as buying a house.
7. 我必須在十點以前看完年度財務報告。
I've got to finish reading the yearly financial report by 10.
8. 公司的財務能力被高估了。
Companies' financial capacity for it has been overestimated.
9. 下一種常見的財務壓力是由債務引起的。
The next common type of financial stress is that caused by debt.
10. 不計財務成本,力求完美。
Striving to achieve perfection regardless of financial cost.
財務泛指財務活動和財務關係。前者指企業再生產過程中涉及資金的活動,表明財務的形式特徵; 後者指財務活動中企業和各方面的經濟關係,揭示財務的內容本質。因此,概括說來,企業財務就是企業再生產過程中的資金運動,體現著企業和各方面的經濟關係。 財務不僅是國民經濟各部門、各單位在物質資料再生產過程中客觀存在的資金運動及資金運動過程中所體現的經濟關係,更主要的是財產和債務,即資產和負債等。
名詞 financial affairs/matters; monetary affairs
1. 這家公司財務混亂。
This company is messy in its accounting./ The finance of this company is in a state of chaos.
2. 財務計劃
financial planning
3. 財務公開
keep the public informed of the financial affairs; make the financial affairs public
4. 財務分析
financial analysis/evaluation
5. 財務包乾
be responsible for one's own finances
6. 主管財務
be in charge of financial affairs/matters
7. 整頓財務
straighten out financial affairs
8. 管理財務
order finances; finance
名詞 person in charge of financial affairs