不合適的英文 不合適用英語怎麼說?
inappropriate adj.不恰當的;不相宜的
improper adj.不合標準的;不正當的;不得體的;不恰當的;不謙虛的;不莊重的;不體面的
out of place 不在合適的位置, 放錯地方;格格不入的;不相稱, 不適當的
unseemliness n.不合適; 不得體
常用 重點詞彙
1. 長短不合適
be not the right length
1. 她覺得她的服裝不合適。
She found her outfit inappropriate.
2. 範·奧斯滕認為某些塑膠物體的形狀不合適。
Van Oosten believes that certain plastic objects are improperly shaped.
3. 如果不合適,拿回來本店給你換貨。
If it doesn’t fit, take it back and the store will exchange it.
4. 要是我的話說得不合適,請不要見怪。
I hope you won’t find my remarks inappropriate.
5. 這個詞用在這裡不
This isn’t the right word to use here.
6. 這些話用在他身上我認為不合適。
These terms applied to him seem to me malapropos.
7. 對這個陰謀進行公開調查不合適。
Holding a public enquiry into the scheme was not expedient.
8. 我覺得湊得太近去觀察不合適。
I felt it was not seemly to observe too closely.
9. 很遺憾我們不合適。
It's a pity we're not compatible.
10. 天太冷,喝香檳不合適,所以他們只好喝了杯茶。
It was too cold for champagne so they settled for a cup of tea.
inappropriate; improper; out of place; unseemliness