悲哀的英文 悲哀用英語怎麼說?
grieved vt.使悲傷;使傷心;(grieve的過去式)
sorrowful adj.傷心的;悲傷的;使人悲傷的
mournful adj.憂傷的;悲痛的;遺憾的
常用 權威
1. 悲哀的神色
doleful look
2. 悲哀的場面
distressing scene
3. 感到悲哀
feel sad (about sth)
4. 悲哀不已
be overcome with sorrow
5. 生活在悲哀中
live in sorrow
1. 但是其中一個特別悲哀的抱怨是:沒有時間閱讀。
But one specific complaint is made especially mournfully: There's never any time to read.
2. 對於坦尚尼亞女孩來說,\知識就是力量\不僅僅是一句話,更是現實生活中的一個悲哀事實。
\Knowledge is Power\ is not just words and a sad fact in real life for Tanzanian girls.
3. 他英年早逝,令人悲哀
It is tragic that he died so young.
4. 一想到別人不再信任他,他就感到有一種深切的悲哀。
It saddened him greatly to think that other people no longer trusted him.
5. 綿羊悲哀的咩咩聲打破了寂靜。
[as noun bleating]the silence was broken by the plaintive bleating of sheep.
6. 埃裡卡悲哀而莊嚴地邁步行進。
Erika was moving at a funereal pace.
7. 埃弗頓的悲哀故事還在延續。
The Everton tale of woe continued.
8. 由喝酒、離婚和暴力造成的毀滅和悲哀。
The ruin and heartbreak wrought by alcohol, divorce, and violence.
9. 露絲沉浸在絕望的悲哀中。
A desperate sadness enveloped Ruth.
10. 這悲哀的聲音根本無法抑制她高昂的情緒。
The mournful sound did nothing to squash her high spirits.
悲哀(拼音:bēi āi),漢語詞語,意思是哀傷痛苦。
形詞 grieved; sorrowful; mournful
1. 他英年早逝,令人悲哀。
It is tragic that he died so young.
2. 悲哀的神色
doleful look
3. 悲哀的場面
distressing scene
4. 為朋友之死而悲哀
be grieved over the death of one's friend
5. 生活在悲哀中
live in sorrow
6. 感到悲哀
feel sad (about sth)
7. 悲哀不已
be overcome with sorrow