症狀的英文 症狀用英語怎麼說?
symptom n.症狀;徵兆
常用 權威
1. 臨床症狀
clinical symptoms
2. 初期症狀
first symptoms of (an illness)
3. 壓迫症狀
pressure symptoms;pressure symptom
4. 自覺症狀
subjective symptoms
5. 症狀療法
symptomatic treatment
6. 誘發症狀
induced symptoms
7. 藥物症狀
drug symptoms
8. 典型症狀
characteristic symptoms
9. 症狀性貧血
symptomatic anaemia
10. 小產症狀
miscarriage symptom
11. 常見症狀
common symptom
12. 症狀特殊
have unusual symptoms
13. 副症狀
accessory symptoms
14. 症狀學
15. 反射性症狀
reflex symptoms
16. 先兆症狀
precursory symptoms
17. 延遲症狀
delayed symptoms
18. 流感症狀
flu symptoms
19. 靜態症狀
static symptoms
20. 研究症狀
study symptoms
1. 並不是所有的症狀都是痴呆症。
Not all of them are symptoms of dementia.
2. 生理症狀包括心跳加速和呼吸困難。
Physical symptoms include a racing heart or struggling to catch breath.
3. 他們表現出較少的戒斷症狀。
They show fewer withdrawal symptoms.
4. 女性容易將心臟病發作的跡象誤認為是壓力的症狀。
Women tend to mistake signs of heart attacks for symptoms of stress.
5. 這種病最初的症狀是發高燒。
The first symptom of the disease is a very high temperature/fever.
6. 咳嗽是一種患病的症狀。
Cough is a symptom of illness.
7. 患處對側的那隻手的症狀加重了。
The symptom develops in the hand contralateral to the lesion.
8. 這些症狀符合胃炎或消化性潰瘍。
The symptoms were compatible with gastritis or a peptic ulcer.
9. 中毒症狀包括噁心、腹瀉和嘔吐。
Symptoms of poisoning may include nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting.
10. 我有流行性感冒的所有典型症狀。
I had all the classic symptoms of flu.
名詞 symptom
1. 咳嗽是一種患病的症狀。
Cough is a symptom of illness.
2. 直接/間接症狀
direct/indirect symptoms
3. 早期症狀
early/incipient symptoms
4. 誘發症狀
induced symptoms
5. 藥物症狀
drug symptoms
6. 延遲症狀
delayed symptoms
7. 壓迫症狀
pressure symptoms
8. 全身症狀
constitutional/general symptoms
9. 前驅症狀
premonitory/signal/precursory symptoms
10. 流感症狀
flu symptoms
11. 臨床症狀
clinical symptoms
12. 客觀/主觀症狀
objective/subjective symptoms
13. 靜態症狀
static symptoms
14. 急性/慢性症狀
acute/chronic symptoms
15. 副症狀
accessory symptoms
16. 反射性症狀
reflex symptoms
17. 典型症狀
characteristic symptoms
18. 伴隨/連續症狀
concomitant/consecutive symptoms
19. 研究症狀
study symptoms
20. 顯示症狀
manifest/show symptoms
21. 呈現不同症狀
present symptoms of different varieties