節食的英文 節食用英語怎麼說?
be/go on a diet
常用 權威
1. 撙衣節食
economize on food and clothing
2. 節食丸
diet pill
1. 對他們來說,堅持節食是很困難的。
It can be really hard for them to stick to a diet.
2. 比起節食,鍛鍊對健康更重要。
Exercise is more important to good health than diet.
3. 關於節食
Websites about dieting would thrive.
4. 美國超過一半的女孩認為她們應該節食。
More than half the teenage girls in the USA, think they should be on a diet.
5. 它高估了節食的效果。
Its overestimate of the effect of dieting.
6. 寵物豬必須保持節食。
Pet pigs must be kept on a diet.
7. 她媽媽在她只有8歲的時候就告訴她要節食
Her mother told her to diet when she was only 8 years old.
8. 你要堅持節食。
You will stick to your diet.
9. 有時,喬迪覺得她成功地說服了一些學生去停止節食。
Sometimes Jody feels that she succeeds in persuading some students to stop dieting.
10. 她節食不當,已瘦得不成樣子。
She has starved herself to a shadow by excessive dieting. / She has dwindled to a shadow of her former self by excessive dieting.
由On diet省略而來。意指只吃限定的食物,或按 醫生給出的食譜進食。 節食本來只是為了健康,但它確實能防止肥胖甚至減肥。漸漸地它又變成減肥的同義詞。世界上任何地區和國家想來都有過以胖為美的時代,如在 中國唐朝那樣的時代。在遠古在原始社會能吃得飽吃得胖的人一定是被人羨慕的吧,想想當時食物的匿乏、刀耕火種的辛苦。所以,節食和減肥是社會進步、物質豐富的時代特徵。
動詞 be/go on a diet
1. 節食丸
diet pill
2. 節食減肥
lose weight through appetite suppression; diet to lose weight