完成任務的英文 完成任務用英語怎麼說?
accomplish a task
常用 重點詞彙
1. 超額完成任務
overfulfil a task
2. 勝利完成任務
successfully carry out the task
3. 催促完成任務
urge sb to a task
1. 他們再也不能集中精力完成任務了。
They could no longer concentrate on their task.
2. 她一完成任務就將飛往海口。
She will fly to Haikou as soon as she finishes the task.
3. 一般來說,宇航員完成任務後每天有八小時的睡眠。
Generally, astronauts have an eight-hour sleep each day when they finish their task.
4. 無論有沒有內心的言語,佩珀都能同樣出色地完成任務。
With or without inner speech, Pepper could complete a task equally well.
5. 在他解決了問題併成功完成任務後,他感到幸運和自豪。
After he solved the problems and finished the task successfully, he felt lucky and proud.
6. 有些人發現機器人在與自己交談時會花費更多的時間來完成任務。
Some people find the robot spends more time completing tasks when it talks to itself.
7. 哪怕困難再大,也要按時完成任務。
We have to finish the task on time no matter how difficult it is.
8. 務必在星期五之前完成任務。
You are to fulfil the task by Friday.
9. 他無力在兩個月內完成任務。
He is unable to accomplish the task within two months.
10. 希望大家再努把勁兒,按時完成任務。
I hope you can make more efforts and finish the task on time.
accomplish a task