美景的英文 美景用英語怎麼說?
beautiful sight 美麗風景
beauty spot 風景點, 遊覽勝地;美人斑, 美人痣, 人工美人斑
常用 權威
1. 一幅美景
a beautiful scene
2. 桂林美景
enchanting scenery of Guilin
3. 良辰美景
fine moment and beautiful scene
4. 奇妙美景
scene of wonderful beauty
1. 你可以欣賞田野和樹林的美景。
You can enjoy beautiful views of the fields and woods.
2. 之後,我們倆又回去看書,欣賞外面的美景。
After that, we both(兩個都) went back to reading and enjoying the beauty outside.
3. 山中的自然美景使遊客大為驚歎。
The natural beauty of the mountain stunned the visitors.
4. 這裡的美景使遊客樂而忘返。
The tourists enjoyed the beautiful scenery so much that they forgot to depart.
5. 華山美景難以用語言描畫。
The beauty of Mount Hua baffles/denies all description.
6. 美景展現在我們眼面前。
A fine scenery was set out before us.
7. 他陶醉於草原的美景。
He drank in the beauty of the grassland. / He was enchanted by the beauty of the grassland.
8. 山中美景爽心悅目。
The beautiful scenery in the mountains is a refreshing and heartening sight.
9. 這個國家因自然美景而聞名遐邇。
The country is famous for its natural beauty.
10. 這次驅車旅行帶你走過一些美景。
The drive takes you through some wonderful scenery.
美景,是指非常美麗的景物和色彩。宋代著名詩人蘇軾:“欲把西湖比西子,濃妝淡抹總相宜”來形容 杭州西湖的美,美是一種境界,一種環境的動人狀態。紅紅的霜葉陶醉了秋日的樹林,潺潺的溪水勝過了悠揚的琴聲。當人們心情豪邁地欣賞著這動人的美景,即使露水沾溼了衣服也會渾然不覺。如此的美景怎麼會不讓人陶醉和嚮往呢?美景不僅可以使人心情愉悅,消除煩惱與雜塵,更讓人感到心曠神怡。
名詞 beautiful scenery/landscape; beautiful sight; beauty spot
1. 他陶醉於草原的美景。
He drank in the beauty of the grassland. / He was enchanted by the beauty of the grassland.
2. 桂林美景
enchanting scenery of Guilin