稅的英文 稅用英語怎麼說?
tax n.稅;重負;負擔
duty n.責任;義務;職責;稅;能率;功率;兵役
revenue n.收入;收益;稅收;總收入;稅務局;稅務署;各項收入;歲入
常用 權威
1. 固定稅
fixed tariff/tax
2. 註冊稅
registration tax
3. 抵銷稅
countervailing levy
4. 開發稅
development tax
5. 進出口稅
import or export tariff
6. 房屋稅
house tax
7. 補償稅
compensating duty; compensatory tax
8. 行為稅
tax on behaviour; action tax
9. 股本稅
capital stock tax
10. 收入稅
income/receipts tax
11. 礦產稅
mine tax; mineral product tax
12. 國家稅
state tax; central tax
13. 產業稅
industrial tax
14. 利潤稅
profits tax
15. 礦區稅
mine-lot tax; mining area tax
16. 輸入稅
import duty
17. 開辦稅
organization tax
18. 發行稅
issue tax
19. 追加稅
additional tax/duty
20. 遞增稅
progressive taxation
1. 數字服務稅容易引起國內外的批評。
The digital services tax is apt to arouse criticism at home and abroad.
2. 數字服務稅將促使科技巨頭退出法國。
The digital services tax will prompt the tech giants to quit France.
3. 日本和希臘是最近引入旅遊稅的國家之一。
Japan and Greece are among the countries to have recently introduced tourist taxes.
4. 廣告批評了這項措施,稱其為\雜貨稅\。
The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a \grocery tax\.
5. 法國率先徵收數字稅。
France leads the charge on Digital Tax.
6. 上週四,法國參議院通過了一項數字服務稅。
Last Thursday, the French Senate passed a digital services tax.
7. 到達時繳納綠色稅。
Pay a green tax upon arrival.
8. 旅遊稅並不新鮮。
Tourist taxes are not new.
9. 許多法國政界人士和媒體將其稱為\GAFA稅\。
Many French politicians and media outlets have referred to this as a \GAFA tax\.
10. 一項汽水稅提案將對分銷商徵收每液體盎司1.5美分的稅。
A soda tax proposal will levy (徵稅) 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors.
稅指國家向企業或集體、個人徵收的貨幣或實物:稅收、稅額、稅款、稅率、稅法、稅制、稅務等。同時也被用於姓氏。 2014年,“稅”當選日本2014年度漢字。
名詞 tax; duty; revenue
1. 他被免了稅。
He was exempt from tax.
2. 消費稅
consumption tax
3. 生產稅
production tax
4. 間接/直接稅
indirect/direct taxation
5. 財產稅
property tax
6. 稅前收入
income/earning before tax
7. 稅前利潤
pre-tax profit
8. 稅後收入
income after tax; after-tax income
9. 逃稅漏稅
evade paying taxes; defraud the revenue
10. 欠稅
default a tax
11. 繳稅
pay tax (on sth)
12. 減稅
lower/reduce taxes; have a tax cut; reduce/remit taxation
13. 查稅
inspect tax payment
14. 避稅
avoid tax
15. 補稅
pay an overdue tax