心情煩躁的英文 心情煩躁用英語怎麼說?
in a flutter
常用 重點詞彙
1. 一天到晚待在家裡使他心情煩躁。
Being cooped up indoors all day makes him fidgety.
2. 任何不尋常的事都會讓她心情煩躁、神經緊張。
Anything unusual made her snappy and nervous.
3. 聖誕節前後她突然心情煩躁起來了。
She suddenly got all hung up around xmas .
4. 當你心情
It helps out when you’re in a fidgety mood.
5. 他面紅耳赤地回到家裡,心情煩躁。
He went home red-faced and hot.
6. 他心情煩躁地答覆了她.
He answered her cantankerously.
7. 當心情煩躁時, 宜多吃富含鈣質的食物.
When the mood is agitated, eats rich calcareous archery target food suitably.
8. 那些心情煩躁的人往往會將怒火發洩到接電話的人身上。
People who are upset tend to take their frustrations out on the person who answers the phone.
9. 因為這些食品只會讓你感覺心情煩躁,使你反應遲鈍。在原始能量消耗完之後很可能引起碰撞事故。
These can worsen any blues because they cause you to feel lethargic and often result in a crash after the initial energy burst.
10. 我們倍感生活的壓力,心情煩躁,但那天下午,在那短暫的一刻,我們將所有煩惱忘到了九霄雲外。
We were stressed and worried, but on that afternoon, for a brief moment, it was all forgotten.
in a flutter