撿的英文 撿用英語怎麼說?
pick up 接電話;挑選;接(人), 搭載;拿起;好轉, 提高, 有起色, 增加;變得更猛烈, 變得更強大
collect v.收集;聚集;使集中;取;接;恢復鎮定;推斷;推論;使以受銜姿勢跑;和…互撞;和…發生衝突
gather v.集合;聚集;累積;收集;採集;蒐集;推斷;猜測;以為;增加;積聚;集中
常用 權威
1. 撿錢包
pick up a purse
2. 撿柴
gather firewood
1. 她也在那裡幫我撿碎片。
She was also there to help me pick up the pieces.
2. 如果你喜歡保護環境,那就種樹或者撿垃圾。
If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up litter.
3. 跑步撿垃圾, 一種新的鍛鍊方式,始於瑞典。
Plogging (跑步撿垃圾), a new way to exercise, began in Sweden.
4. 法國一家歷史主題公園訓練出了六隻會自己撿垃圾的鳥。
Six birds have just been trained to pick up rubbish at a French historical theme park.
5. 他撿了一條命。
He barely escaped death. / He came back from the dead.
6. 人們出售從垃圾中撿來的廢舊物。
People sell junk scavenged from the garbage.
7. 他把信撿了起來,看了一下內容。
He picked up the correspondence and scanned the contents.
8. 她第一次從廢紙簍裡撿到了一封信。
She picked her first attempt at a letter out of the wastebasket.
9. 我撿到了魔法、稀少和獨特物品。
I’ve found magical, rare, and unique.
10. 兔子:你撿這麼多松果幹什麼呀?
Hare: Why are you picking up so many pinecones?
撿(拼音:jiǎn),漢語漢字,筆畫10畫,左右結構。作動詞時,指的是拾取;另指清理;也指察看、檢查。組詞有撿看。 相關古文有“郡事皆以義法令撿式。”出自《漢書·黃霸傳》。
動詞 pick up; collect; gather
1. 他撿了一條命。
He barely escaped death. / He came back from the dead.
2. 我昨天撿了一個錢夾。
I picked up a wallet yesterday.
3. 撿麥穗
pick up/glean wheat ears
4. 撿柴
gather firewood