如下的英文 如下用英語怎麼說?
as follows 如下
常用 權威
1. 詳情如下
details as follows
2. 得出如下結論
draw the following conclusion
1. 這些事實必然引出如下結論。
These facts will inexorably lead to the following conclusion.
2. 謹確認,我們雙方經過友好協商達成協議如下。
We have the honour to confirm that our two sides have, through friendly consultations, reached the following agreement.
3. 理由/內容如下。
The reasons/contents are as follows.
4. 結果/摘要如下。
The result/excerpt is as follows.
5. 宣告全文如下。
The statement reads in full as follows. / The following is the full text of the statement.
6. 你必須向我們提供如下資訊。
You are required to provide us with the following information.
7. 她作為結束語的如下沒有惡意的結論。
The following innocent conclusion with which she perorates.
8. 大體上說,風險大致如下。
Broadly speaking, the risks are as follows.
9. 我列出如下四條理由。
I have listed four reasons below.
10. 這種U -聯合和修改需要如下。
The U-Joint and modifications needed are shown below.
動詞 as follows
1. 全文如下。
The full text follows.
2. 理由/內容如下。
The reasons/contents are as follows.
3. 宣告如下
issue/make the following statement