血壓的英文 血壓用英語怎麼說?
blood pressure 血壓
常用 權威
1. 低血壓
low blood pressure; hypotension
2. 降血壓
reduce one's blood pressure
3. 高血壓
high blood pressure; hypertension
4. 高血壓病
hypertension; hypertensive disease
5. 血壓計
sphygmomanometer; blood-pressure meter
6. 血壓平穩
stable blood pressure
7. 血壓調節
blood pressure regulation
8. 控制血壓
control one's blood pressure
9. 患高血壓
suffer from high blood pressure
10. 原發性高血壓
primary hypertension; essential hypertension
11. 惡性高血壓
accelerated/malignant hypertension
12. 血壓升高
rise in blood pressure
13. 降低血壓
bring down the blood pressure
14. 動脈血壓
arterial pressure
15. 量血壓
take sb's blood pressure
16. 血壓圖
pressure graph
17. 體位性低血壓
postural/ortho-static hypotension
18. 血壓監護器
blood pressure monitor
19. 高血壓性心臟病
hypertension cardiopathy
20. 妊娠高血壓綜合徵
pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome
1. 他們也有高血壓和心臟病的風險。
They are at risk for high blood pressure and heart problems, too.
2. 和動物相處可以幫助降低動物的血壓。
Getting on with animals can help lower animals' blood pressure.
3. 血壓和心率通常在睡眠時處於最低水平。
Blood pressure and heart rate are typically at their lowest levels during sleep.
4. 這有助於他們血壓正常,也能促進血液迴圈。
It can help keep their blood pressure normal and improve blood circulation (迴圈).
5. 他們的血壓會升高。
Their blood pressure will rise.
6. 與此同時,高血壓已經成為一個日益嚴重的問題。
At the same time, high blood pressure has become an increasing problem.
7. 音樂可以緩解疼痛,減輕憂慮,降低血壓。
Music eases pain, reduces anxiety and lowers blood pressure.
8. 醫生將她的血壓記錄在圖表上。
The doctor recorded her blood pressure on a chart.
9. 缺乏鍛鍊可能使人易患高血壓。
Lack of exercise may predispose an individual to high blood pressure.
10. 護士給我量血壓。
The nurse takes my blood pressure.
血壓(blood pressure,BP)是指血液在血管內流動時作用於單位面積血管壁的側壓力,它是推動血液在血管內流動的動力。 血壓在不同血管內被分別稱為動脈血壓、毛細血管壓和靜脈血壓,其測量方法包括直接測量法和間接測量法。
名詞 blood pressure
1. 高血壓
high blood pressure; hypertension
2. 低血壓
low blood pressure; hypotension
3. 血壓調節
blood pressure regulation
4. 血壓升高/降低
elevation/fall (drop) of blood pressure
5. 血壓急速下降
blood pressure plummets
6. 控制血壓
control one's blood pressure
7. 降血壓
reduce one's blood pressure
8. 給病人測量血壓
measure/take the patient's blood pressure