仔細考慮的英文 仔細考慮用英語怎麼說?
consider carefully
常用 重點詞彙
1. 仔細考慮可能出現的後果。
Deliberate the consequences that may occur.
2. 在交談中,人們必須仔細考慮他們的地位和外表。
In conversation, people have to carefully consider their status and appearance.
3. 來不及仔細考慮了。
It’s too late to think twice.
4. 這一行動的後果需要仔細考慮。
The consequences of the move would need to be very carefully weighed.
5. 他們堅持認為你得仔細考慮每一件事。
They insist you weigh eve-ry single thing.
6. 對這部電影的刪節和歪曲是經過仔細考慮的。
The movie's elisions and distortions have been carefully thought out.
7. 她仔細
She deliberated over the menu.
8. 仔細考慮後,我的回答是\是的。科技讓人們變得懶惰。\
After careful consideration, my answer is \Yes. Technology is making people lazy.\
9. 我仔細考慮了是否接受她的提議。
I deliberated whether or not to accept her offer.
10. 仔細考慮過之後,請用傳真相告。
After you think it over , please let me know by fax.
consider carefully