報價的英文 報價用英語怎麼說?
make an offer 要價;出價;提建議
quote v.摘引;引用;引述;複述;出;報;援引(作品;作家)的片斷;援用…的說法;指出(某人;某事)為出處
offer v.提供;給予
常用 權威
1. 報價單
(price) quotation; quotation list/sheet
2. 報價人
quoter; bidder
3. 壓低報價
beat down an offering
4. 接受報價
accept an offer
5. 售貨報價
(selling) offer
6. 收市報價
closing quotation
7. 一般報價
general offer
8. 最後報價
final quotation
9. 固定報價
firm offer
10. 直接報價
direct quotation
11. 現貨報價
spot price quotation
12. 書面報價
paper bid
13. 商業報價
commercial offer;commercial offer
14. 公開報價
public offer;public offer
15. 賣方報價
asking price
16. 出口報價
export quotation
17. 報價低於對手
quote lower than the opponent
18. 技術裝置報價
technical bid
19. 為下列產品報價
quote for the following items
20. 按最新報價出售
sell at the latest quotation
1. 將樣品連同報價單一併送去。
Send the samples along with the quotation list.
2. 你們的報價還沒有買方還價。
Your quotation didn’t tempt a counter offer.
3. 該公司的股票目前報價為每股32美元。
The company’s shares are currently quoted at 32 US dollars.
4. 感謝貴方詢價,請告訴我們貴方所需數量以便我方報價。
Thank you for your inquiry. Please tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers.
5. 這個財團提出一個有條件的報價。
The consortium have made a conditional offer.
6. 一家在證券交易所上市報價的機構。
An organization that is quoted on the Stock Exchange.
7. 我們正在做收購投標,向股東們報價。
We are making a takeover bid and putting an offer to the shareholders.
8. 借款人不得不權衡每個抵押報價的利弊。
Borrowers have to weigh up the pros and cons of each mortgage offer.
9. 給我的報價是多少?
What am I bid?
10. 如果修改後的報價沒有吸引力,就可能不被接受。
If the revised bid is unattractive, it may not be accepted.
動詞 make an offer; quote
1. 該公司的股票目前報價為每股32美元。
The company's shares are currently quoted at 32 US dollars.
2. 為下列產品報價
quote for the following items
名詞 quoted price/rate; offer
1. 你們的報價還沒有買方還價。
Your quotation didn't tempt a counter offer.
2. 最後報價
final quotation
3. 商業報價
commercial offer
4. 固定報價
firm offer
5. 公開報價
public offer
6. 包括在報價中
be covered by the quotation; be included in the price quoted
7. 按最新報價出售
sell at the latest quotation
8. 報價低於對手
quote lower than the opponent
9. 提供專案報價
give a quotation for a project
10. 接受報價
accept an offer
名詞 bid (for)
1. 技術裝置報價
technical bid