在此之前的英文 在此之前用英語怎麼說?
erenow adv.在此以前; 至今ˌ至此
beforehand adv.提前;預先;事先
previously adv.預先;以前
常用 重點詞彙
1. 但在此之前,我可以在網上搜索一下,看能不能給你找到一些建議。
But before that, I can search online and see if I can find some advice for you.
2. 在此之前,夫妻倆都得工作才能養家餬口。
Before that, both man and wife had to work to support the family.
3. 在此之前,我們需要知道體積元。
But before we can do that, we need to get the volume element.
4. 但在此之前,必須聘請工作人員。
But before that, staff need to be recruited.
5. 他在此之前從未做過這樣的事。
He has never done anything like this before.
6. 她說:“在此之前我一無所有。
Before I had nothing.
7. 在此之前
Before this I've already ordered 2 Gibson guitars.
8. 在此之前讓他賠償受害者一年的薪水。
Not before he pays the victim a years salary.
9. 在此之前的時期是最危險的。
The period just before that is the most dangerous.
10. 在此之前,投資者可能一直持幣觀望。
Investors may keep on the side-lines until then.
erenow; beforehand; previously