徹底地的英文 徹底地用英語怎麼說?
drastically adv.徹底地;激烈地
thoroughly adv.徹底地;非常;完全地
outright adv.全部地;徹底地;立即;當場;毫無保留地;公開地;不分批地;當場銀貨兩訖地
to the ground 地面;地上;到地面
once and for all 最終地, 最後地, 徹底地, 一次了結地
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我們徹底地搜查過這個地方。
We searched the place from top to bottom.
2. 他們需要徹底地重新考慮他們的學說。
They needed a rethink of their doctrine from the ground up.
3. 他現在徹底地復仇了。
He got his revenge now in spades.
4. 每天徹底地清洗足部並徹底烘乾。
Wash and thoroughly dry your feet every day.
5. 它們推算怎樣才能最徹底地打敗我
They reason about how best to defeat me.
6. 讓我們徹底地誠實幾分鐘,好不?
Let's be brutally honest for a minute, shall we?
7. 我要徹徹底底地完善我的健康狀況。
I am going to totally improve my health.
8. 自那以後我徹底地把他忘記了.
And I completely forgot about him af - ter that.
9. 民眾和政客都要求徹底地改變現狀。
Both the public and politicians demanded radical change.
10. 偵探們徹底地調查了整個事件。
The detectives are digging into this whole business.
drastically; thoroughly; outright; to the ground; afond; galley-west; once and for all