畸形的英文 畸形用英語怎麼說?
deformity n.畸形部位;畸形狀態
malformation n.變形部位;畸形部位;畸形;變形
abnormality n.異常;反常
lopsided adj.向一側傾斜的;歪的
abnormal adj.異常的;反常的;不規則的
unbalanced adj.不平衡的;不均衡的;精神錯亂的;情感錯亂的;不準確的;不公正的;片面的
常用 權威
1. 畸形兒
baby with malformation; congenitally deformed baby
2. 畸形發育
grow in an abnormal way
3. 畸形現象
abnormal phenomenon
4. 先天畸形
congenital malformation;congenital malformation
5. 畸形兒童
abnormal children
6. 畸形發展
grow abnormally; develop lopsidedly
7. 脊椎畸形
malformation of the spine
8. 矯正畸形
correct the deformity
9. 血管畸形
vascular malformation; vascular tumor
10. 畸形生長
grow abnormally
11. 胸廓畸形
thoracocyllosis; chest deformity
12. 身體畸形
physical deformity
13. 嚴重畸形
hideously deformed
14. 畸形增長
unbalanced increase
15. 下肢畸形
lower limb malformation
16. 肢體發育畸形
have deformed limbs
17. 為畸形腿矯形
cure a deformed leg
18. 近親繁殖造成的畸形
deformity caused by inbreeding
1. 他一生下來右腳就有點兒畸形。
He was born with a slight deformity of the right foot.
2. 母親服用藥物可能會導致胎兒畸形。
Medicine taken by the mother may cause deformity of the fetus.
3. 駝背由脊椎畸形所致。
A hump is caused by a deformity of the spine.
4. 脊柱畸形而造成的呼吸系統問題。
Respiratory problems caused by spinal deformity.
5. 鼻竇畸形在死前是很難表現出來的。
[as adv.]abnormalities of the sinus are difficult to demonstrate ante-mortem.
6. 遺傳性畸形的結果可能是由於染色體突變。
The effect of genetic maldevelopment may subsist in chromosomal mutation.
7. 身體結構的畸形。
Anatomical abnormalities.
8. 是的畸形人和petey也愛你。
Yeah freak and petey love you too.
9. 目的:矯正單側唇裂術後鼻畸形。
Objective: To correct secondary deformities of unilateral cleft lip nose .
10. 爪形手畸形消失2例,無改善2例;
Claw hand deformity of 2 patients disappeared.
名詞 deformity; malformation; abnormality
1. 他一生下來右腳就有點兒畸形。
He was born with a slight deformity of the right foot.
2. 母親服用藥物可能會導致胎兒畸形。
Medicine taken by the mother may cause deformity of the fetus.
3. 近親繁殖造成的畸形
deformity caused by inbreeding
4. 先天畸形
congenital malformation
5. 四肢畸形
deformed/malformed limbs
6. 身體畸形
physical deformity
7. 脊椎畸形
malformation of the spine
8. 畸形兒童
abnormal children
9. 嚴重畸形
hideously deformed
10. 畸形發育
grow in an abnormal way
11. 矯正/引起畸形
correct/cause deformity
形詞 lopsided; abnormal; unbalanced
1. 糾正經濟畸形發展的現象
check the occurrence of lopsided/unbalanced economic development
2. 畸形增長
unbalanced increase
3. 畸形現象
abnormal phenomenon
4. 畸形發展
grow abnormally; develop lopsidedly
名詞 baby with malformation; congenitally deformed baby
1. 產下畸形兒
give birth to a congenitally deformed baby