仔細觀察的英文 仔細觀察用英語怎麼說?
observe carefully
常用 重點詞彙
1. 透過仔細觀察他們的面部特徵。
By observing their facial features carefully.
2. 仔細觀察伴侶如何使用手勢。
Observe carefully how their partners make use of gestures.
3. 總而言之,只要你仔細觀察,生活總是充滿美好的。
All in all, life is always full of beauty as long as you watch carefully.
4. 記住,如果你安靜地坐著,仔細觀察,你甚至可能看到一名女性。
Remember, if you sit quietly and watch really closely, you might even see a female.
5. 有時候,如果你仔細觀察一幅影象,你就能看到它是否被改變了。
Sometimes, if you just look closely at an image, you can see if it has been changed.
6. 他舉起望遠鏡仔細觀察海岸。
He raised his binoculars to scan the coast.
7. 仔細觀察路線,方針和進入現場。
Carefully observe routes for approach and entry to scene.
8. 方法給患者發藥時進行仔細觀察。
Methods Observation and effective intervention were performed.
9. 你們沒有仔細觀察,尤其是小明。
You didn't watch very carefully, especially Xiao Ming.
10. 在這裡,每樣物種都要仔細觀察。
Here everything demands a closer look.
observe carefully