可怕地的英文 可怕地用英語怎麼說?
drearily adv.沉寂地; 可怕地; 令人厭倦地
formidably adv.可怕地;強大地;難對付地;可怕地
horribly adv.可怕地;非常地;極其
awfully adv.很;非常;糟糕地
frightfully adv.很;非常
dreadfully adv.極其;非常;很差地;極其糟糕地;很
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他的眼睛有如火球,可怕地燃燒著;
His eyes were like fireballs fearfully blazing.
2. 不知不覺,他兇狠可怕地吼了一聲.
A gust of overpowering rage swept over him.
3. 剎那間兩艘船便可怕地糾纏到一起了。
In a jiffy the two boats were in a terrible tangle.
4. 我們時不時地可怕地吵架.
We have had awful rows now and then.
5. 便將如何親可怕地歸去;
How dear and dreadful they are to the earth;
6. 所有身外一切東西,全都令人可怕地反覆申明,自脫干係。
All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration.
7. 她象一個正在經受劇痛的人那樣翻滾扭動,她的四肢可怕地抽搐。
She writhed as one who is in terrible pain, and her limbs were dreadfully convulsed.
8. 或許這是一種可以理解該技術如何應用的方法,而不是可怕地思考。
So maybe this is one way of understanding of how the technology can really be used, beyond just fearfully thinking.
9. 他性格里的那種東西——我其實一直有所感覺,卻總是假裝沒發現的那種東西,此刻突然可怕地爆發出來。
That which I had always sensed in him, though I pretended not to, now sprang into terrible being. And Ariana .
10. 嫉妒之心不可怕,可怕地是當你擁有這種情緒時你怎麼釋放,所以我們應該瞭解把握自己的性格傾向和提高自己道德修養和素質。
The emotion of envy is not terrible, but how to release that emotion is awful. So we should understand and grasp our character orientation and raise our moral cultivation and quality.
drearily; formidably; as hell; direfully; horribly; awfully; frightfully; dreadfully