散的英文 散用英語怎麼說?
loose adj.鬆動的;脫位的;寬鬆的;放鬆的;懶散的;散裝的;散開的;不嚴密的;腹瀉的;不紮在一起的
unrestricted adj.無限制的;未受限制的
free adj.不受他人控制的;自由的;無拘無束的;身體自由不受限制的;未固定的;不受阻礙的;有空的;空閒的;不受(特定之事;尤指令人不快之事)控制的;不收費的;免費提供的;出手大方的;大手大腳的;浪費的;不拘泥於嚴格格式的;順的
scattered adj.分散的;零散的;散亂的;疏落的
fall apart 精神崩潰;散架;垮臺
break up 分散, 分裂, 瓦解;結束;解散;開始放假;分手;被幹擾中斷;爆發大笑;變得心煩
dispel v.排解;遣散;消除
disperse v.分散;散佈;驅散;疏散;消散;使(氣體;煙;霧;雲)消散;使(光)色散
scatter v.撒;播撒;分散;散佈;驅散;散開;四散;使散開;撒於…上;散佈在…上
distribute v.分發;分配;周延;分佈;分銷;批發;拆(版)還字;分散;透過網路分佈於多臺計算機的
disseminate v.散佈;傳播;擴散的
give out 分發
get rid of 擺脫, 丟棄
remove v.去掉;除去;廢除;取消;遠離;隔代的;隔親的;除掉;轉移;調動
get over 恢復, 克服
常用 權威
1. 散書頁
loose page
2. 散養雞
free-range chicken
3. 散射線
scattered rays
4. 像散光束
astigmatic bundle
5. 像散裝置
6. 小兒消食散
digestion powder for infants
7. 像散透鏡
astigmatic lens
8. 像散成像
astigmatic image
9. 像散像差
astigmatic image error
10. 天下無不散的筵席
all feasts must break up in the end—all good things must come to an end
1. 天時尚早,我去散會兒步。
It’s still early and I’d love to take a walk.
2. 她凝視著這片霧,妄想使它散去。
She stared into the fog, willing it to clear.
3. 公牛和其他的牲畜一起散放在地裡。
The bull was loose with cattle in the field.
4. 其他裂片張開以後,花粉就散出來了。
After the other lobes dehisce, the pollen is set free.
5. 她把自己物品散放在簡陋的學生宿舍裡。
She set her things round the monastic student bedroom.
6. 散石砌成的壁爐。
A fieldstone fireplace.
7. 我們的船從散冰塊中間出發,在更大的連底冰山周圍航行。
[with adverbial of direction]we sailed out surrounded by loose ice while navigating around larger grounded icebergs.
8. 在你散完步之後,茶室會提供一杯令你受用的茶
After your walk, the tea room serves a welcome cuppa
9. 即使最大的暴風雨最終也會散去。
Even the heaviest rainstorms eventually find a calm.
10. 星星已經出來,閃閃散在天空裡。
The stars are out and on the loose.
形詞 loose; unrestricted; free
形詞 scattered; loose
名詞 medicine in powder form; medicinal powder
動詞 become loose; fall apart
動詞 break up; dispel; disperse; scatter
1. 烏雲已經散去。
Dark clouds dispersed from the sky.
2. 風起雲散。
Clouds were scattered by the wind.
3. 放學後,孩子們四散回家。
After school, the children dispersed to their homes.
動詞 distribute; disseminate; give out
1. 散傳單
give out/disperse handbills; distribute leaflets/pamphlets
動詞 get rid of; remove; get over