在底部的英文 在底部用英語怎麼說?
on the bottom 在底部;底上;底面上
常用 重點詞彙
1. 亞當夏娃形態在底部是非常常見的。
Adam and Eve formations aren't limited to bottoms.
2. 葉子形狀;卵形,在底部末端較窄。
Of a leaf shape; egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base.
3. 為什麼電水壺加熱圈子要裝在底部?
Why is the heating coil placed at the bottom of an electric kettle?
4. 你的手放置在底部的軸在這個位置。
Place your hand at the bottom of your shaft in this position.
5. 無柄藤壺的殼是直接附著在底部的。
The shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate.
6. 你可以在底部確認這些設定。
You can confirm these settings at the bottom.
7. 用鋼筆在底部繪製一個路徑。
Make paths at the bottom of the phone using the Pen Tool (P).
8. 在底部有一個鑲了黃銅小孔的排水孔.
At the bottom there is a drain hole edged with a brass eyelet.
9. 在底部要新增幾個橫幅廣告。
At the bottom want to add a few places for banners ads.
10. 將你的手在底部的軸和重複。
Replace your hand at the bottom of your shaft and repeat.
on the bottom