競爭激烈的英文 競爭激烈用英語怎麼說?
the dust and heat of the day
常用 重點詞彙
1. 由於競爭激烈,該公司被排擠出數碼相機市場。
The company has been squeezed out of the digital camera market by aggressive competition.
2. 競爭激烈嚴酷的紐約文藝界。
The literary snakepits of New York.
3. 這是一個競爭激烈的市場他說。
This is an intensely competitive marketplace, he said.
4. 我們面對著競爭激烈的校內籃球賽。
We faced keen competition in intra-scholastic basketball games.
5. 近年競爭激烈,致使市場佔有率下降
Has bled market share in recent years due to intense .
6. 那就是那裡競爭激烈的原因。
That is why there is such a giant battle there.
7. 服裝業競爭激烈,有時競爭相當殘酷。
The clothing business is very competitive and it can be brutal at times.
8. 它生長在陽光稀少的地方且競爭激烈。
It grows in areas where sunlight is scant and competition is intense.
9. 在競爭激烈的鋼琴世界中。
In the competitive world of piano playing.
10. 中國的運輸工業競爭激烈.
Fierce competition agitates the forwarding agents industry in China.
the dust and heat of the day