撩的英文 撩用英語怎麼說?
tease v.戲弄;逗弄;取笑;招惹;梳理;挑逗;撩撥;揀選出;回梳;逆梳
tantalize v.逗弄;使可望不可及;挑逗
provoke v.刺激;導致;鼓動;激勵;故意激怒
stir v.攪拌;攪和;移動;微動;煽動;挑起;打動;刺激;挑撥;惹是生非
常用 權威
1. 他決不是個撩事生非的孩子。
He is by no means a boy that stirs up trouble.
2. 他脾氣暴,沒事別去撩惹他。
He is hot-tempered. Don’t try to provoke him for no good reason.
3. 我只撩了一眼,沒看清楚。
I didn’t see it clearly as I only glanced at it.
4. 我要去撩一撩那個穿緊身黑裙子的妹子。
I'm gonna chat up the girl in the tight black skirt.
5. 女郎咯咯地傻笑,撩了撩自己的頭髮說。
The second blonde giggles, flips her hair and says.
6. 驀地吳蓀甫撩下了報紙,克勒一聲冷笑.
Suddenly Wu Sun - fu threw the newspaper aside and laughed ironically.
7. 我撩著涼水洗了一把臉。
I quickly sluiced my face with cold water.
8. 她不斷地把垂下來擋住她眼睛的頭髮撩回去。
She kept pushing back wisps of hair that fell over her eyes.
9. 交談時她很認真,而她每次撩頭髮,那蓬鬆的一頭金髮都會換上新的造型。
In conversation, she is earnest, with her shaggy blond hair taking on new configurations each time she runs a hand through it.
10. 所以,不管風笛清脆嘹亮的樂音是否撩你心絃,這種奇特又古老的樂器沒有任何衰落的跡象。
So whether the sharp sound of the bagpipes thrills you or not, there is no sign that the popularity of this strange and ancient instrument is fading.
liāo liáo ㄌㄧㄠ 形聲。字從手從尞,尞亦聲。“尞”意為“長”“遠”。“手”與“尞”聯合起來表示“伸長手”。本義:伸長手(幹某事)。
動詞 hold up/lift/raise a drooping part of something
1. 撩起裙子
hold up/lift the hem of a skirt
2. 撩簾子/面罩
raise the curtain/veil
動詞 sprinkle with one's hand
1. 給花兒撩些水。
Sprinkle some water on the flowers.
動詞 shoot a glance at; dart a look at
1. 我只撩了一眼,沒看清楚。
I didn't see it clearly as I only glanced at it.
動詞 tease; tantalize; provoke; stir