在比賽中的英文 在比賽中用英語怎麼說?
in play 開玩笑地;比賽進行中
常用 重點詞彙
1. 每個人都想在比賽中獲勝。
Everyone wants to win in the contest.
2. 該隊在比賽中發飆,最後贏了比賽。
The team played exceedingly well and won the match in the end.
3. 客隊隊員在比賽中敢打敢拼。
The visiting players dare to stand up to their strong opponents in the match.
4. 這位選手在比賽中大出風頭。
That player gained the public spotlight in the match.
5. 球隊在比賽中表現不佳,教練感到糟心。
The coach was vexed at the poor performance of his team in the match.
6. 他因答應在比賽中放水而得到一大筆錢。
He got a big payoff for agreeing to lose the game deliberately.
7. 他們承認在
They conceded the match to their opponents.
8. 他所屬的體育管轄部門宣佈他不曾在比賽中作弊。
His sport's ruling body had cleared him of cheating.
9. 丹尼爾在比賽中獲得第四名。
Daniel finished fourth in the race.
10. 不過比利時隊在比賽中得分最高。
But Belgium are the highest-scoring side in the tournament.
in play