腳趾甲的英文 腳趾甲用英語怎麼說?
toenail n.趾甲;斜釘
1. 該腳趾甲應該是白色的顏色。
The toenails should be white in color.
2. 甲真菌病手指甲或腳趾甲從指甲床分離或鬆脫。
The separation or loosening of a fingernail or toenail from its nail bed.
3. 甲真菌病手指甲或腳趾甲從指甲床分離或鬆脫。
The separation or loosening of a fingernail or toenail
4. 由於存在那麼多可怕的微生物,因而很難找到對付腳趾甲真菌病,即治腳癬的有效方法。
With all those scary microbes out there, it's hard to get worked up over a toenail fungus or a case of athlete's foot.
5. 手指甲和腳趾甲化療可能會影響手指甲和腳趾甲的顏色和紋理.
Fingernails and Toenails. Chemotherapy can affect the color and texture of fingernails and toenail
6. 如果你練習光著腳走路,並且使你的腳能得到正常呼吸的機會,那麼這種腳部及腳趾甲的真菌感染就可以得到抑制。
This kind of fungal infection on feet and toenail can be prevented if you practice barefoot walking and give the scope to the feet to breath normally.
7. 原來是在剪腳趾甲。
She's cutting her toenails.
8. 包括:24片腳趾甲, 指甲藝術,水,使用工具和拋光條。
Includes: 24 Toenails, Nail Art, Glue, Application Tool & Buffer.
9. 手指甲和腳趾甲已經長出來了,迴圈系統和泌尿道已經功能完善了。
Fingernails and toenails have appeared on his limbs and his circulatory system and urinary tract are fully functional.
10. 避免腳部受傷害,有雞眼,胼胝或者向內生長的腳趾甲及時請足病醫生治療。
Avoid injury to your feet. Have corns , calluses, or ingrown toenails treated by a podiatrist.