銜曜有限公司 信息

聯絡人Chuck Yeh 先生
服務時間週一 至 週五 8:30 ~ 17:00,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:00


Enterprize Technology Ltd. is an award-winning and power seller in electronic e-commerce business in Europe. We aim to be the best by selling customers goods that people are proud to possess and by providing excellent customer service as well as highly effective delivery service. Emphasizing on the quality of the products is always our first priority. If you are looking for a job where you can make the most of your skills and expertise, then look no further.

The Candidate :
Strong IT skills--Microsoft office package, Word and Excel in particular. (or Mac--Pages and Numbers) Typing speeds at least 55 wds/min.
Excellent interpersonal skills with colleagues and the ability to remain independent, dealing calmly and effectively with highly contentious issues.
Distinguished reading and writing skills in English preferred, but not essential. . Excellent organisational skills. Attention to details and accuracy. For some positions, higher educational background would be a distinctive advantage.

Benefits package:
Enterprize Technology Ltd offers a generous and comprehensive benefits package. Salary will be highly competitive, in accordance with qualifications, experience and performance. Benefits include medical and personal insurances, government pension and savings investment plans, plus annual vacation with holiday allowances included.

To apply:
Interested candidates please forward your fully detailed CV with contact information (name/e-mail/address etc.) in word format, together with copies of academic certificates and convenient time for us to reach you, to the Recruitment Advisor, at: [email protected]

我們是 「銜曜有限公司」,英文名稱「 Enterprize Technology Ltd 」。

我們公司註冊於英國Essex ,由於業績持續成長及業務上之需,繼以「銜曜有限公司」之名註冊於台灣,並在2006年開始在台中港梧棲鎮設立分公司,主司港口出口事宜,且在2008年於台中增設後勤補給業務行政中心。本公司主要以從事電子零件出口貿易為大宗,以台灣為採購中心以及出貨的主要據點。


至於您最關心的…2005年8月在英國成立,2007年1月在台灣成立,連續5年獲利、其中英國公司在08年金融海嘯時,業績也成長了一倍以上 ,這點請您放心,獲利能力是不斷地在成長的。


所以,如果您要來,切記要有熱情、永遠保持一顆赤子之心,永遠虛心受教,您成長、we就會成長,we成長、您也會跟著成長, 現在任職員工的態度就是如此。

我們重視工作效率及工作成果,使用Mac(麥金塔)系統的電腦與筆電進行文書作業及編輯網頁等 ,也許您還沒接觸過麥金塔系統,您放心只要您有心學習,我們會安排您相關的課程學習,此外系統介面以英文為主,畢竟做外國貿易的,英文要有一定程度。每個禮拜一我們會閱讀書籍,來增加見廣,培養良好的知識學習。


至於員工福利,我們比照英國公司的各項福利,例如:員工擁有一年21天的假期。希望以人性化對待員工,員工可以排假去旅行甚至出國看看 ,假後歸來上班亦是充滿動力的員工。


這家公司不愛開會, 通常開會是討論員工聚餐,我們正式開會是針對整體公司營運做討論,而不是在小地方作大文章,我們認為無必要的開會只是在浪費時間,還倒不如分頭去進行工作而不是一群人耗在那邊。


