
Tags: 圖文, 流程, 夢境,


《夢境:逃離》圖文流程攻略【Chapter 2】


​Chapter 2:Mr. starcher’s barn我們來到這裡:穀倉。來到壞掉的梯子前面,觸發劇情。

《夢境:逃離》圖文流程攻略【Chapter 2】

對話:Amelia: “Shh! If old man Starcher hears us he’ll chase us down with a pitchfork. Go on up to the loft. I hid a lantern up there, and some sandwiches…”穀倉的梯子少了一些階梯,劇情提示需要我們尋找一把錘子來修復。

《夢境:逃離》圖文流程攻略【Chapter 2】


《夢境:逃離》圖文流程攻略【Chapter 2】

對話:Amelia: “It’s you, Wilson. You’re my first kiss. It was always going to be you, wasn’t it?”先不要急著下樓梯。閣樓上還有東西沒有拿,後續需要用到。

《夢境:逃離》圖文流程攻略【Chapter 2】


《夢境:逃離》圖文流程攻略【Chapter 2】

日記更新:Horace Starcher was a legendary figure in our world. I was terrified of him. Amelia was the only one brave enough to sneak into his barn. She convinced me to come along, and it was one of the best thrills of my life. It wasn’t just that the barn was so huge, or the loft so high. It wasn’t even the danger of defying Horace Starcher. It was the simple delight of sharing an adventure with Amelia. For her, danger was like wine. With her, the barn became a magical place. Maybe that’s why I kissed her。

《夢境:逃離》圖文流程攻略【Chapter 2】

圖文, 流程, 夢境, dota2, 3, 驚天魔盜團2, 2大寫, 20, 5, 2016, 201,