
Congratulations, 2013 graduates. You did it! Now it's time to learn something really useful.


  Having conquered all those classes, now you can move on to mastering the practical skill of managing money. Luckily, the economy is in better shape than it was a couple of years ago, and the overall unemployment rate for college grads is roughly half that of the total U.S. population, boding well for your job prospects.


  If you learn to manage a paycheck, spend less than you earn and stash away some money for later, you can put that education to good use, no matter what you choose to do.


  Here's some advice to get you on the right path.


  • Be nice to your parents.In addition to giving you a place to stay until you find a job, they might pay for your health insurance. If you have http://www.sanalync.com insurance under a student plan, it probably will end in mid-August. If you're not going to get coverage through a job by then, start working on other plans right away.

  1. 善待父母。父母除了在你找到工作之前給你一個安身之處以外,可能還會為你的健康保險買單。如果你買的是學生險,保險可能會在八月中旬到期。到時如果你不能通過就業獲得保險,你要馬上開始購買其它保險。

    If your parents aren't a fallback, you might need to buy a short-term policy until January, when individuals will be able to buy conventional health insurance through new marketplaces, federal or state-run exchanges that offer standard health-insurance plans from various carriers. Open enrollment begins in October.


  Whatever you do, don't skip getting insurance. Even those who are young and healthy need it, since a car accident or unforeseen illness can put you in a giant financial hole.


  • Reduce debt.An estimated two-thirds of today's graduates will leave with student loans, and the average borrower balance is almost $27,000. Debt is such a burden that it's worth scrimping for a few years, and even delaying graduate school, to pay off at least some of the debt. That will save you in interest costs and give you far more flexibility in your later twenties and beyond.

  2. 減少債務。估計今天三分之二的畢業生離校時都會身背學生貸款,借款人的平均負債額接近27,000美元。 債務是一個沉重的負擔,因此好幾年時間的節衣縮食,甚至推遲念研究生的計劃來償還至少部分的債務,都是值得的。那樣會節省你的利息成本,讓你在後二十
