
General 更新 2024年10月06日


  Stories of triumph


  Whenever possible, try to have an inspirational story in your presentation. From my own experience, it seems that people love short biographies and stories about underdogs who beat the odds and become successful in their chosen fields.


  When I was teaching English to foreign students, I noticed that their biggest fear was that they would struggle with nerves when communicating with native English speakers. To remedy this, I told them about James Earl Jones’s difficulties and his later success in speaking clearly. The students enjoyed the story, and it also dawned on them that with enough practice they too could overcome their shortcomings.

  在我做對外英語老師的時候,我發現我的學生在和母語是英語的人交流時總是很緊張,擔心會犯錯誤。為了鼓勵他們,我給他們講了James Earl Jones’s突破逆境最後成功的故事。學生們都很喜歡聽,這使他們肯定只要訓練有素,他們也可以說好英語。

  When giving presentations about a particular subject, try to find an inspirational biography and tell your audience about it for about fifteen to twenty minutes. This will give you maximum effect.


  Are they interested?


  In theory, when giving a presentation, your instincts will tell you whether the audience is enjoying it or not. If you want some tell-tale signs, then I would suggest paying close attention to the body language of the audience.


  If a person is interested in what you are saying, then they will lean forward whenever possible in order to ensure that they can hear what you are saying clearly. Their movements towards you also express that they are enjoying your company, and more importantly, that they are interested in your presentation.


  People who are not interested in you, or what you have to say, will lean back to create a distance between the two of you. Look for folded arms and people pointing their feet. If a member of the audience is pointing their feet away from you, this usually indicates a feeling of indifference and a lack of interest.


  Involve the audience


  I personally think that involving the audience makes a presentation friendlier and the audience feel more comfortable.


  The following suggestions are based on my own experience, and you should experiment with my advice to find what works best for you.


  With my own presentations, I have discovered that making the audience work together in pairs is best. When people are instructed to work in larger groups, there is often hesitation as others wait for one individual to assert themselves as the leader of the group. Pair work allows people to forge a connection, and often makes the audience more relaxed than if they were asked to work in a larger group.


  However, whenever you ask people to work together, you should take the time to introduce audience members to one another. Failing to make introductions will cause the audience to feel awkward, and make you look ignorant


  The benefits of pair work are that you can walk around the room talking to each pair on a more intimate level, and further put them at ease by offering help with the task you have set for them. With any luck, the audience will be grateful that you have introduced them to a new friend.


  Paraphrase if needed


  If you are asked any questions about what you have already said, then first ask yourself if you have been speaking too quickly, or if you have been using slang or obscure references that the audience may be unfamiliar with.


  If none of the above has caused your problem, then simply rephrase what you have said in the simplest terms and make the main idea of what you are saying as clear as possible.


  Likewise, if you are asked a very difficult question that does not relate to your presentation, or will divert you from your road map, tell the audience member that you will talk to them about their question once the presentation has concluded. By the end of your presentation, you may find the audience member has forgotten their question or had it answered in the remainder of the presentation


  The wrap up


  When you have finished your presentation, I would suggest a very simple one page handout. Do not bother to write paragraphs of information about your subject. Instead, give the audience a plain list of further information in the form of web links, YouTube videos, and any relevant podcasts that are available on iTunes.


  Once the audience has left, you should sit down for ten minutes with a pen and some paper before cleaning the room and consider what did and did not work for you during the presentation. Try to decide where you could improve, and jettison anything that did not work.

