算盤***abacus***是一種手動操作計算輔助工具形式。它起源於中國,迄今已有2600多年的歷史,是中國古代的一項重要發明。在阿拉伯數字***Arabic numerals ***出現前,算盤是世界廣為使用的計算工具。現在,算盤在亞洲和中東的部分地區繼續使用,尤其見於商店之中,可以從供應中國商品和日本商品的商店裡買到。在西方,它有時被用來幫助小孩子們理解數字,而一些數學家喜歡體驗一下使用算盤計算出簡單算術***arithmetical***問題的感覺。
An abacus is a form of manually operated counting aid. It has originated in China over 2,600years ago. It is one of the most important inventions of ancient China. The abacus used to bethe most widely used calculation tool before the appearance of Arabic numerals. At present,abacuses continue to be used in parts of Asia and the Middle East, especially in the shops, andthey are available in stores which stock Chinese or Japanese goods. In the West, it issometimes used to help young children grasp numbers, and some mathematicians enjoyexperimenting with the abacus to work out simple arithmetical problems.
1.計算輔助工具形式:翻譯為a form of manually operated counting aid,其中aid一詞本意為“有助之物”,用在此處表示“輔助工具”已比較貼切, 不必再將“工具”二字譯出。
2.理解數字:翻譯為grasp numbers,其中grasp—詞表示“全面領會、理解”之意,用在此處很恰當地譯出了原文“理解”一詞的含義。
六合院***the quadrangle ***是中國的一種傳統合院式住宅。一個標準的六合院通常由一個庭院及其六週獨立的房屋構成。不同方位的房屋有著不同的名稱。坐北對著庭院***處的稱為正房***main house***,東西兩邊的稱為廂房***side house***,坐南朝北的稱為倒座房***reversely-set house***。長輩或一家之主住正房,晚輩住廂房。倒座房可以用作廚房、儲物間、客廳或書房。六合院如今已經成為觀光景點,併為世界各地的遊客所熟知。
The quadrangle is a traditional courtyard residence in China. A standard quadrangle usuallyconsists of a courtyard with independent houses along its four sides. Houses in differentdirections have their own names. The house on the north facing the courtyard’s entrance iscalled the main house; the house which lies on the east or west is called the side house; and theone stands on the south is called reversely-set house. The older generation or the head of thehousehold lives in the main house, while the younger generation lives in the side houses. Thereversely-set house can be used as a kitchen, a storeroom, a sitting-room or a study. Thequadrangle has now become a tourist attraction and is well-known to tourists from all over theworld.
1.合院式住宅:譯為courtyard residence即可,其中residence意為“住宅, 民居”。
3.觀光景點:可譯為a tourist attraction 或 a sightseeing spot。
4.世界各地的:英語中可把定語前置或者後置,所以此修飾語可譯成all over the world或worldwide.