
General 更新 2024年10月12日







  在敦煌莫高窟492個洞窟中,幾乎每一窟都畫有飛天。早期石窟中,飛天身材粗短,大嘴大耳,很明顯受印度和西域飛天的影響。但到唐朝時,敦煌飛天的藝術形象就完全中國化了,她沒有翅膀,沒有羽毛,衣裙飄逸,綵帶飛舞。 敦煌壁畫的設色富麗堂皇,豔而不俗,以石綠,石青,硃砂等礦物染料為主色,層次分明,因為礦物染料穩定性極強,歷經千年依然豔麗如初。

  敦煌莫高窟是當今世界上規模最巨集大,儲存最完好的佛像藝術寶庫,被聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產名錄。 2000年,以敦煌石窟壁畫為基礎創作的大型舞劇《大夢敦煌》在北京上演。

  Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

  The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes,located at southeast of DH city,were first constructed in the Former Qin Dynasty.It reached more than 1000 caves till the Tang Dynasty and was constantly built up the following 1000 years till the Qing Dynasty.Now more than 2400 painted sculptures and more than 50000 square meters frescos of past dynasties are saved in the 492 existing caves.If they are connected together,that will form a magnificent gallery of 25 km.

  Dunhuang joss,all painted sculptures made of mud,are divided into single and group ones,and have vivid shapes and different presences with the tallest to 33 meters and shortest to 0.1 meter only.

  The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are the caves that have the most frescos in the world,and the Dunhuang frescos are the main part of of the Dunhuang art.With a grand scale and richcontents,the Dunhuang frescos can be mainly grouped under four heads which are joss paintings,By the Change Paintings,Paintings of Folk,Tradition and Myth and Dependents Portraits Paintings.Joss Paintings,the main body of frescos,include different kinds of joss and Bodhisattva,among which the image of flying god with a pretty and dancing posture is even more memorable.

  In Dunhauang’s 492 grottoes,almost every one of them has flying gods.Flying gods in early caves are stocky with a big mouth and big ears ,which is evidently influenced by the flying gods in the India and Western Region.However, the artistic image since the Tang Dynasty has completely had the Chinese style,which is without wings and feathers but with flyway dress and colored ribbons.

  The tint of the Dunhuang frescos is magnificent and colorful but not vulgar.With stone green,azurite and vermillion,etc.As its main colors,it still keeps its original flamboyant and clear beauty after thousands of years because of mineral color’s strong stability.

  The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are the most majestic and well preserved mine of Buddhism art in the world till now and included into the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

  In 2000,the large scale dance drama Dream of Dunhuang,created on the base of the Dunhuang Frescos,was shown in Beijing.



  Dunhuang Frescoes and the Silk Road


  Dunhuang Frescoes are the most important composing part of the grotto art of Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China. Dunhuang Grottoes include the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang, the Western Thousand Buddha Caves and the Yulin Grottoes in Anxi County, with a total of 552 grottoes. Over 50 thousand square meters of frescoes originated in past dynasties make them a grotto cluster boasting frescoes in largest quantity both in China and all over the world. By the content depicted, these frescoes are divided into Buddha statue paintings, sutra converted paintings, narrative paintings and donor portraits, etc..


  The Dunhuang Frescoes are honored as the Art Treasury for their large scale, exquisite craftsmanship as well as extreme richness and diversity in content. Like other religious art, they portray god images and movements, relations between gods as well as relations between gods and human beings in ways that convey good wishes and placate souls of believers. Accordingly, the frescoes have different characteristics in style from those a secular painting has.


  The Silk Road, also known as Silu in Chinese pinyin, refers to the land passageway opened up by Zhang Qian, an imperial envoy who was dispatched for a diplomatic mission to the Western Regions during the Western Han Dynasty. The Road starts from Chang’an ***today’s Xi’an*** and reaches the Central and West Asia via Gansu and Xinjiang, connecting Mediterranean countries. It gains the name because silk products have made the greatest impact among the goods transported westward. The Silk Road is of great significance in the world history for its roles as the Eurasia communicating artery and the bridge for the intersection of Chinese, Indian and Greek cultures. The opening up of the Road has effectively promoted the economic and cultural exchange between eastern and western countries and has played a positive part in contributing to the prosperity of the Han Dynasty. So far, the Silk Road has remained a major gateway for communication between China and western countries.


  Dunhuang was an important town on the Silk Road at that time. The Silk Road available then has provided routes for spreading Buddhism and made it possible to have gathered wealth at Dunhuang, carved the Dunhuang grottoes, produced the frescoes in the grottoes, and presented such brilliant Dunhuang culture.


  By studying the painting techniques of predecessors, Li Jun, vice chairman of the Dunhuang Artists Association and a professional painter, has created the Dunhuang on Cloth in such an artistic expression form that demonstrates Dunhuang culture via fabric processing, which plays an active role in contributing to the contemporary art creation, the research into traditional art and culture, and the inheritance of Dunhuang art and culture.





  Li Jun

  Vice chairman and secretary general of the Dunhuang Artists Association

  Member of the Artists Association of Gansu Province

  Professional painter


  In his early years, Mr. Li Jun followed multiple painter mentors including Fan Xinggang, professor of the Dunhuang Research Institute and a mural expert with strength and power, and Li Zhenfu, director of the Arts Department of the Dunhuang Research Institute. Nurtured by the great and profound grotto culture and art, through exploration and research, he has created the Dunhuang on Cloth——a mural form of taking the cloth as carrier to reproduce the vicissitudes and magnificent beauty of Dunhuang over the years and combine its mottled and fashion elements, which helps to develop his own unique style. While studying previous painting techniques, he constantly attempted to use new expression forms by combining diversified painting styles such as modern approaches applied in fine-brush with heavy color and techniques employed in western oil paintings. Besides, he made bold use of cloth as the carrier to reconstruct the aged images of Dunhuang grottoes and achieve the textural effect of mottled primitive simplicity in a more appropriate and realistic manner. Featured by smooth, powerful lines and bold use of rich colors, his works demonstrates the grandness and profundity of the ancient Dunhuang in every detail.



  As one of China's ten major paintings handed down from the ancient times, Qingming shanghe tu ***Ascending the River at Qingming Festival***is a genre paintingof Northern Song Dynasty. It is 24.8 cm wide, 528.7 cm long, andit’s the painter’sonly existing painting.Qingming shanghe tu is a national treasure, which is now collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing. The painting hasvividly recorded Chinese city lifeof the twelfth century, which is unique in the painting history home and abroad. In the five-meters scroll, there are more than 550 different characters, more than 50 head of livestocksuch as cattle, horses, mules and donkeys,more than 20 vehicles and more than 20 ships of different sizes. The houses, bridges and the city wall also have distinct features of Song Dynasty architecture. On the whole, the painting is of great historical and artistic value.

  蘭亭序 東晉穆帝永和九年***公元353年***三月三日,王羲之與謝安、孫綽等四十一人,在山陰***今浙江紹興***蘭亭“修禊”,會上各人做詩,《蘭亭序》是王羲之為他們的詩寫的序文手稿。《蘭亭序》中記敘蘭亭周圍山水之美和聚會的歡樂之情,抒發作者好景不長,生死無常的感慨。法帖相傳之本,共二十八行,三百二十四字,章法、結構、筆法都很完美,是他中年時的得意之作。

  Lanting Preface***Orchid Pavilion Preface***

  Lanting Preface was authorized by Wang Xizhi in the East Jin Dynasty, on a late spring day of the Yonghe Year. That day, Wang Xizhi, together with other forty poets, conducted a ceremony, namely a kind of camping or entertainment. During the activity, each of them wrote poems and Wang then wrote a preface for them, namely Lanting Preface. In the preface, Wang wrote about the beauty of the environment and the joy of the reunion, and thenhe associated the shortness of good days and the uncertainty of life. In the preface, there are totally 28 lines, 423 characters in all. Its art of composition, structure, and the technique of writing are all perfect, which made the artwork Wang’s pride.

  敦煌壁畫 敦煌壁畫包括敦煌莫高窟、西千佛洞、安西榆林窟共有石窟552個,有歷代壁畫五萬多平方米,是我國也是世界壁畫最多的石窟群,內容非常豐富。敦煌壁畫是敦煌藝術的主要組成部分,規模巨大,技藝精湛。敦煌壁畫的內容豐富多彩,它和別的宗教藝術一樣,是描寫神的形象、神的活動、神與神的關係、神與人的關係以寄託人們善良的願望,安撫人們心靈的藝術。因此,壁畫的風格,具有與世俗繪畫不同的特徵。但是,任何藝術都源於現實生活,任何藝術都有它的民族傳統;因而它們的形式多出於共同的藝術語言和表現技巧,具有共同的民族風格。

  Dunhuang Frescoes

  Dunhuang Frescoesconsists of Mogao grottos, Xiqianfodong Cavesand Yulin Grottos of Anxi. There are 552 grottos and more than 50,000 square meters’ frescoes in all, forming the grotto group that has the most frescoes in the world. Dunhuang Frescoes are the maincomponent of Dunhuang art, and it’s unimaginable to keep a perfect technique in grottos of such a great scale. The content of Dunhuang Frescoesis abundant. It is similar with other religious artwork, reflecting the portrait and activities of gods, and the relationship between gods or between human and gods, which conveys the best wishes of people and comforts their souls.





