
General 更新 2024年10月05日



  In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday for the honour of Johanna. Yuena is Rome empress, while the Romans worshiped her as the God of women and marriage. The next February 15 is called "Lupasala Festival", is used to represent the respect Festival under the rule of some Na of other gods.

  In ancient Rome, the lives of young people and young girls were strictly separated. However, in Lupasala Festival, a young man who can choose their favorite girl's name carved on the vase. In this way, the festival, the young man can dance with their own choice of girls, to celebrate the festival. If the chosen girl also on the man's interest in, they can have been matched, and eventually they will fall in love and married to walk into the church together. Later generations will be the year February 14th as Valentine's day.




  Valentine's day in English as the St. Valentine's Day ***meaning: "Valentine's Day"***. Literally, it is difficult to see what is the connection between Chinese and Western way. There is a touching story. In the year third Century, the ancient Rome had a tyrant named Klau Dos ***Claudius***. At that time, ancient Rome and outside the war, in order to supplement the troops, ordered a tyrant: a usually men of a certain age, must serve for the country to enter the army. Since then, her husband left his wife, leaving the young lovers, the entire Rome shrouded in lingering in the acacia. However, the tyranny of the prohibition of love. Not far from the tyrant's palace, there is a very beautiful temple. Friar Valentine ***Valentine*** lived here. Rome are very revered him, men, women and children, regardless of the distinction between rich and poor, always clustered around in his, in the raging flame before the altar, listening to Valentine's prayer.

  In ancient Rome, the war has been without stop, tyrant Crowe doss recruited a large number of citizens went to the battlefield, people Voices of discontent. Men do not want to leave the family, the boys can not bear to be separated from the lover. Crowe doss rage, he ordered people not wedding, even all have been booked marriage immediately to the dissolution of marriage. In this way many young people bid farewell to love, grief and indignation towards the battlefield. Young girls because of lost lover, grief depression.

  Valentin felt very sorry for the tyrant's abuse. When a couple came to the temple of his request for help, Valentini in the sacred altar before they quietly held a wedding ceremony. It is one of ten, ten hundred, a lot of people come here to become partners in Valentine's help. The news finally came to the palace, the tyrant's ears. Crowe doss once again fly into a rage, he ordered the soldiers stormed into the temple, dragged from a pair of being held wedding couple side will be Valentine, into a dungeon. Begging people to impeach the tyrant free, but all in vain. Valentine finally tortured to death in the dungeons.

  The grief of his friends buried in the Church of St. platon. That day is February 14th, that year is ad 270 years.

  情人節在英語裡的叫法是St. Valentine's Day ***原意為:“聖瓦倫丁節”***。從字面上來看,很難看出中西方叫法之間有什麼聯絡。這裡面隱藏著一個動人的故事。公元三世紀時,古羅馬有一位暴君叫克勞多斯***Claudius***。當時,古羅馬內外戰爭頻仍,為了補足兵員,暴君下令:凡是一定年齡的男子,都必須進入軍隊為國家效勞。自此,丈夫離開妻子,少年離開戀人,整個羅馬籠罩在綿長的相思中。然而,暴政禁止不了愛情。離暴君的宮殿不遠,有一座非常漂亮的神廟。修士瓦淪丁***Valentine***就住在這裡。羅馬人非常崇敬他,男女老幼,不論貧富貴賤,總會群集在他的周圍,在祭壇的熊熊聖火前,聆聽瓦淪丁的祈禱。





  Historians are more willing to follow at the end, they perform on Valentine's day seems to be convincing. In fact, far earlier than 270 BC, when the city of Rome has just founded, or around a wilderness, flocks of wolves wander. In the worship of the gods, animal husbandry God Lupo Cuse ***Lupercus*** is in charge of the protection of the shepherd and his flock. In February each year, the Romans held a grand ceremony to celebrate the festival of God. At that time, and now the calendar compared to a little bit later, so the Lupercalia festival is a celebration of the coming of spring. Also said that this festival is celebrated Faunus ***Faunus***, which is similar to the ancient Greeks sheep foot, with horns on its head pan ***Pan***, director of animal husbandry and agriculture.

  The origin of the festival is too long, and even scholars in the first Century BC can not be confirmed. But the importance of this festival is beyond dispute.

  Such as historical records, Anthony ***Mark Antony*** is in 44 BC Faun festival will crown grant Caesar ***Julius Caesar***.

  ,, close to February 15 each year, the monks will gather in a cave in Rome CMB become Ding Palantine*** hill, said here, the founder of the ancient city of Rome Romilus andRemus is a she wolf Fu Yu grew up. In the ceremony of the festival, a young aristocrat who, armed with sheep whip, running in the street. Young women will be gathered in the streets, pray for the sheep whip to their heads. People believe that this will make them more likely to have children. In Latin, called Februa sheep whip, whip called fabruatio, actually contain 'pure' meaning. The name ***February*** of February is the result.

  With the forces of Rome's expansion in Europe, the Lupercalia festival was brought to the present France and Britain etc.. Most people always enjoy it a festival similar to the lottery. The young woman's name was placed in the box, and then the young man stepped forward to extract. A pair of men and women to become lovers, the time is one year or longer.

  The rise of Christianity has made people remember the customs of the gods. Priests don't want people to give up the festive joy, then turned to become Ding ***Valentine's day*** Festival Lupercalia ***Lupercalia*** modified, and moved to February 14. So, on Valentine's brother and the ancient legend of the festival was a natural combination. The festival was the most popular in Britain in the middle ages. Unmarried men and women names are extracted, they exchange gifts, women become the Valentine man of the year.

  Embroidered woman's name in the men's sleeve, care and protection of the women become the sacred duty of man.

  歷史學家們更願意刨根揪底,他們關於情人節的演繹似乎令人信服。其實遠遠早於公元270年,當羅馬城剛剛奠基時,周圍還是一片荒野,成群的狼四處遊蕩。在羅馬人崇拜的眾神中,畜牧神盧波庫斯***Lupercus***掌管著對牧羊人和羊群的保護。每年二月中,羅馬人會舉行盛大的典禮來慶祝牧神節。那時的日曆與現在相比,要稍微晚一些,所以牧神節實際上是對即將來臨的春天的慶祝。也有人說這個節日是慶祝法烏努斯神***Faunus***,它類似於古希臘人身羊足,頭上有角的潘神*** Pan ***,主管畜牧和農業。


  例如史料記載,安東尼***Mark Antony***就是在公元前44年的牧神節上將王冠授與凱撒***Julius Caesar***的。

  每年的二月十五日,修士們會聚集在羅馬城中巴淪丁Palantine***山上的一個洞穴旁,據說在這裡,古羅馬城的奠基者***Romilus andRemus***被一隻母狼扶育長大。在節日的各項慶典中,有一項是年輕的貴族們,手持羊皮鞭,在街道上奔跑。年輕婦女們會聚集在街道兩旁,祈望羊皮鞭抽打到她們頭上。人們相信這樣會使她們更容易生兒育女。在拉丁語中,羊皮鞭被叫做 februa,鞭打叫做 fabruatio, 實際上都含有'純潔'的意思。二月的名字***February***就是由此而來。


  基督教的興起使人們紀念眾神的習俗逐漸淡漠。教士們不希望人們放棄節日的歡樂,於是將牧神節***Lupercalia***改成瓦淪丁節*** Valentine's Day***,並移至二月十四日。這樣,關於瓦淪丁修士的傳說和古老的節日就被自然地結合在一起。這一節日在中世紀的英國最為流行。未婚男女的名字被抽出後,他們會互相交換禮物,女子在這一年內成為男子的Valentine。

