
General 更新 2025年03月28日



Cinderella Stories


Mary Donaldson


Old Life: Australian lawyer


Royal Life: Queen of Denmark


You can't get farther from the palaces of Europe than the remote places of Australia. But that's where Donaldson, 31, grew up, in a small home in Taroona on the island of Tasmania. The daughter of a college professor and a university vice-chancellor, she moved to Sydney to pursue a law career and met Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik, 35, at a disco during the 2000 Olympics. Within a year Donaldson had moved to Copenhagen to be near her love, trading the courtroom for classes in protocol to fit in with one of Europe's oldest royal families. But as her May wedding approaches, Donaldson insists she is still an average Australian girl at heart, telling reporters she watched the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana on TV as a kid but wasn't impressed. "I wasn't thinking about becoming a princess," she said. "I actually dreamt of becoming an animal doctor."

從歐洲的宮廷到澳大利亞的偏遠地區,對常人而言,這段距離太長了,沒有比這更遠的路了。但31歲的瑪麗·唐納森就是在澳大利亞最南端塔斯馬尼亞島的塔魯納長大的。作為一名大學教授和一位大學副校長的女兒,她後來轉到悉尼從事律師職業,並於2000年悉尼奧運會期間在一個迪斯科舞會上結識了 35歲的丹麥王儲弗裡德里克王子。隨後一年內,唐納森去了哥本哈根,與心上人相聚。為適應歐洲最古老的王室生活,她離開了法庭而走進了講授宮廷禮儀的課堂。但是隨著五月婚典的臨近,唐納森卻表示,在心底深處,她依然是一個普通的澳大利亞女孩兒。她還告訴記者,在她很小的時候,曾在電視上看過查爾斯王子和戴安娜的婚禮,不過也沒什麼印象。她說我沒想過要做王妃,事實上我一直夢想著要做一名獸醫。

Letizia Ortiz


Old Life: TV journalist


Royal Life: Future Queen of Spain


Her mother is a nurse and her father a newspaper reporter, but Ortiz, 31, doesn't let her fianc Crown Prince Felipe of Spain, control her actions. When Felipe, 35, interrupted her during a press conference to announce their engagement, she grabbed hisarm and said: "Let me finish! " Introduced by friends at a dinner party last spring , the couple kept their love a secret until last autumn and decided marry in May. Though she has been married before to a college professor, that wedding was a civil ceremony, so she and Felipe can still have the church wedding his conservative Catholic parents want. "It' s like a fairy tale," says Ana Campillo, a journalist who knows Ortiz. "Not because she is marrying a prince but because she is marrying a man she loves."

蕾蒂西亞·奧蒂茲的母親是一位護士,其父是名報社記者。她今年31歲,根本不會讓未婚夫——35歲的西班牙王儲菲利普王子管束她的行為。在宣佈他們訂婚的一次記者招待會上,菲利普打斷了她的一次發言,她抓住他的胳膊說"讓我說完! " 他們是去年春天在一次宴會上經朋友的介紹而相識的,他們的愛情祕密一直保持到去年秋天,而後他們定於今年五月完婚,儘管在此之前,她與一位大學教授曾有過一段婚姻。那次的婚禮是一次民俗典禮,所以這一次根據菲利普信奉天主教的保守父母的旨意,她和菲利普要舉行教堂婚禮。"這簡直就像是童話故事熟悉奧蒂茲的記者阿娜·卡皮諾說我不是說她嫁了王子,而是說,她嫁給了心中所愛的男子。"

Claire Coombs


Old Life: Land surveyor


Royal Life: Belgian princess


For years most Belgians assumed that Laurent, 40, the youngest son of King Albert Ⅱ and Queen Paola and eighth in line to his country's throne, would never marry, preferring fast cars to settling down. But after a Brussels dinner party in 2000, the prince decided to help with the dishes and wound up washing and drying with fellow guest Coombs, 29, the softspoken daughter of a British businessman and a Belgian mother. When the prince proposed two years later, he flushed so red with nervousness that Coombs, who worked at a surveyor's office in Wavre, Belgium, until her April 2003 wedding, burst out laughing. Since then , the pair have avoided the media. Family and friends give Claire credit for slowing Laurent down.


A Prince Makes a Sacrifice for Love


Not all fairy tales are the same. Last year, when Prince Johan Friso, 35, third in line for the throne of the Netherlands, announced his engagement to Mabel Wisse Smit, 35, the head of a Brussels based human rights organization, his mother, Queen Beatrix, was very happy to be gaining a "lovable and talented" daughter-in-law. That is, until the media uncovered Wisse Smit's past relationship with a drug lord, which she had kept from the Dutch parliament, whose members must approve highranking royal marriages, rather than call off the wedding, Johna Friso gave up his right to the throne and weded Wisse Smit in a quiet April ceremony.

並非所有的童話故事都是一樣的。去年,荷蘭排序第三的王位繼承人, 35歲的王子約翰·弗裡索宣佈與設在布魯塞爾的人權組織負責人,同樣35歲的馬伯爾·維斯·斯密特訂婚的訊息。他的母親,貝阿特里斯王后十分高興自己有了一個"可愛而有才華的"兒媳,更確切地說,這是在媒體披露維斯·斯密特過去曾與一個***大王有過關係之前。對這一點,她一直瞞著荷蘭議會,因為議會成員必須批准而不是取消重大的王室婚事。訊息披露之後,約翰·弗裡索放棄了王位繼承權,並與維斯·斯密特在4月悄悄舉行了婚禮。

Ari Behn


Old Life: Author


Royal Life: Consort of Princess Martha Louise of Norway


Royalty marrying common people is old news in liberal Norway, where Crown Prince Haakon wed single mom Mette-marit Tjessem Hoiby in 2001. So it was no shock to the Norwegian royals when Princess Martha, 32, announced her engagement to former playboy Behn, an author. Martha, who met Behn through his mother, one of her college tutors, didn't mind. "He makes me shine," she said Since their 2002 wedding, Behn has settled down, becoming a proud papa to baby Maud Angelica. King Harald said, "Who hasn't done one or two bad things in their youth?"

在開明的挪威,王室成員嫁娶平民並不是什麼新聞。 2001年,王儲哈肯王子就娶了單身母親麥特·瑪麗特·傑森·霍比。所以, 32歲的瑪薩公主宣佈她與前花花公子兼作家阿里·貝恩訂婚的訊息時,挪威王室成員並不震驚。瑪薩是通過貝恩的母親——她的大學老師結識貝恩的,而瑪薩也不介意他以前的做派。她說他讓我光影照人。"自從2002年他們結婚以後,貝恩就安頓下來,並且自豪地成了一名父親,寶寶叫默德·安吉利卡。連哈拉德國王都說誰年輕時沒幹過一兩件荒唐事呢? "


It’s back-to-school season, so it’s worth asking which top universities offer their female students the best springboard to a powerful position at the top of their own company?


Over the past five years, 40 women with undergraduate degrees from Stanford University have received venture capital funding for companies they founded, more than any other top school, according to data from PitchBook, which provides research to private equity and venture capital firms. Among the companies founded by Stanford alums receiving venture capital funding in recent years is flash-sale style home decor website One Kings Lane, which was founded by Stanford grad Susan Feldman along with Alison Pincus, the wife of Zynga co-founder Mark Pincus. Another Stanford grad, Clara Shih — a former Fortune “40 Under 40″ member who also serves on Starbucks’ board — co-founded social media marketing management service Hearsay Social with former Microsoft engineer Steve Garrity.

在過去5年中,有40位斯坦福大學***Stanford University***女性本科畢業生創立了公司,並獲得了風險投資基金的支援。根據向私募股權和風投機構提供研究服務的PitchBook公司的資料,這一數值超過其他頂尖大學。斯坦福校友近年來開設,並獲得風投基金支援的公司包括家居裝飾網站One Kings Lane。其創立者為斯坦福畢業生蘇珊•費爾德曼和艾莉森•平卡斯,後者是社交遊戲商Zynga公司共同創始人馬克•平卡斯的妻子。此外,另一位曾入選《財富》“40位40歲以下商界精英”的斯坦福校友,星巴克公司***Starbuck***董事克拉拉•史密斯,與前微軟公司***Microsoft***工程師史蒂夫•加里蒂共同創立了社交媒體營銷管理服務公司Hearsay Social。

When it comes to MBA programs, Harvard tops the list with 56 female founders receiving funding over the past five years. Companies springing up recently that are led by female Harvard MBA’s include beauty and grooming products delivery service Birchbox, founded by Harvard MBAs Hayley Barna and Katia Beauchamp, which recently raised $60 million in a Series B funding. Another company on the list is personal styling for women website Stitch Fix, which was founded in 2011 by Katrina Lake, who actually has degrees from both Stanford and Harvard.

就MBA專案而言,哈佛大學***Harvard***有56位女性畢業生在過去5年中創立公司,並受到風投基金的支援,這在所有大學中名列第一。比如,哈佛大學MBA專案畢業生海莉•巴納和凱蒂婭•比徹姆創立了化妝品和裝飾品網站Birchbox,該公司在B輪融資中獲得了6,000萬美元。此外,卡特琳娜•雷克於2011年創立了女性個人造型網站Stitch Fix。這位創始人實際上在斯坦福和哈佛都拿到了學位。

Harvard also came in third on the list of undergraduate programs with 29 female-founder alums dating back to 2009, finishing behind the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its 31 female founders during that same period. MIT finished third on PitchBook’s list of MBA programs with female alums receiving VC funding over the past five years. MIT had 23 during that period, behind Stanford’s 31.

在2009年至今創立公司的女性本科畢業生榜單上,哈佛以29人名列第三,位列擁有31人的麻省理工學院***Massachusetts Institute of Technology***之後。而在PitchBook公司編撰的過去5年創立公司並獲得風投基金支援的女性MBA榜單上,麻省理工學院以23人名列第三,落後於擁有31人的斯坦福大學。

Of course, those three schools aren’t just churning out female entrepreneurs. Stanford, Harvard and MIT also placed in the top five ***for both undergraduates and MBAs*** in a separate PitchBook list ranking schools by the number of company founders of all genders that they produced. That the schools fared well on both lists — again, Stanford topped the undergraduate list, while Harvard’s MBA program topped its list — shows that these top schools are simply consistently producing successfully entrepreneurial graduates of all genders.


“A lot of the undergraduates [at these schools] have been heavily focusing on computer science and engineering, especially in the past decade or so. It makes sense, since those schools are producing those types of degree holders, that both male and female graduates would be the ones creating these products and companies,” said Andy White, a PitchBook analyst.


However, even the top schools on the PitchBook list are seeing a large disparity between the number of female founders they graduate and the total number of company founders spawned by each school. For instance, Stanford may lead the way with 40 female founders over the past five years, but that group accounts for less than 11% of the total number ***378*** of Stanford alums to receive VC funding for their companies in that period. Similarly, female founders account for only about 16% of the 352 total company founders with Harvard MBAs from that same time period.


White says he expects the gap between female and male company founders to narrow over time, though, and he even points to a PitchBook study from last year showing that companies with at least one female founder have increased their share of VC funding rounds in each of the previous 10 years. Those numbers showed female-founded companies more than tripled their share of U.S. venture rounds during that time, rising to 13% last year.


“You see a lot more money flowing into those companies founded by women and I can only see that increasing,” White said.



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