
General 更新 2024年10月05日




  Pecos Bill is a cowboy hero of the American Southwest. He was the legendary inventor ofroping, branding, and other cowboy skills. He also invented the six-shooter and train robberyand taught broncos how to buck.

  According to legend, Pecos Bill was born in eastern Texas during the 1830’s. He used a bowieknife as a teething ring and played with bears and other wild animals. During a trip west, Bill fellout of the family wagon near the Pecos River in Texas. He became lost and was raised bycoyotes. When Bill grew up, he had tamed all the wild animals in the West. He rode a mountainlion and used a rattlesnake as a whip and became known as the West’s king of beasts.

  To win a bet, Pecos Bill once rode an Oklaoma cyclone without a saddle. When the greattwister came, he gave a loud whistle, and every rattlesnake in Texas rushed up to him. Billmade them into a huge lasso. He threw the lasso into the clouds and it dropped right over thetop of the cyclone. He held onto his lasso and managed to sit on the cyclone’s back. Thecyclone could not shake him off its back. The cyclone to cry and its tears became rain. Therain fell so heavily that it created the Grand Canyon. Bill crashed in California, and the force ofhis fall created Death Valley. There are several versions of Bill’s death. In one, he laughed todeath after a man from Boston asked him silly questions about the West.







  In Calaveras, California, there lived a man whose name was Jim Smiley. Jim enjoyed betting so much that he would bet on anything. If anyone said good morning to him, he would bet them that it was not a good morning. Whenever there was a horse race or a chicken fight, Jim would bet on it. He didn’t care which side he bet on, as long as he had a bet.

  One day, Jim showed a frog to a stranger who had just arrived in Calaveras, and bet the stranger forty dollars that the frog can jump farther and faster than any other in Calaveras County. The stranger said he didn’t see anything about the frog different from any other, and if he had a frog he would bet Jim. Jim left his frog with the stranger and go out to find a frog for the stranger. Meanwhile, the stranger took out a bag of gunshot, forcing the frog’s mouth open and poured the shot into it.

  Soon Jim returned with a frog for the stranger.The two frogs were put on the floor, and then each man gave his frog a push. The stranger’s frog hopped off smartly. But Jim’s frog just sat there, unable to move an inch. Jim had no choice. He gave forty dollars to the stranger, who took the money and started away. Jim picked up his frog, and found it extremely heavy. He turned it upside down, and the gunshot came out. He knew he had been fooled and, like a mad man, started running after the stranger.

  As he ran, he passed one of his friends, who asked him where he was going.

  "To catch a thief!" shouted Jim. "No matter how fast he may run, I'll catch him. I'll bet you five dollars!"









  Paul Bunyan was a hero in American folk tales. He was a lumberjack, living in lumber camps ofthe American Northwest. He became famous for his great strength and great skill in cuttingtrees. According to legend, Paul Bunyan was a giant. He was so big that a small step he tookwas about three city blocks. He created much of America. He dug Puget Sound in Washingtonto float huge logs to the mill. He cleared trees from North and South Dakota and made the landin those states suitable for farming. He dragged his huge ax in the field of Colorado, and thuscreated the Grand Canyon. He also scooped out the Great Lakes to provide drinking water forhis giant blue ox, Babe. Babe weighed fifteen tons before breakfast and stood sixty feet tall.From the tip of one horn to the tip of the other, it measured 42 ax handles and a plug ofchewing tobacco. The ox ate tremendous amounts of hay and potato peels and could haul awhole forest of logs. When Babe needed new shoes, the blacksmith had to open a new ironmine in Minnesota. The shoes were so heavy that the blacksmith sank knee-deep into solid rockwhile carrying them. Babe hadn’t always been blue. But nobody knew for sure how it had cometo be that colour. Some said it had turned blue from playing outdoors too long during theWinter of the Blue Snow.



