Of Politics, & Art
by Norman Dubie
Here, on the farthest point of the peninsula
The winter storm
Off the Atlantic shook the schoolhouse.
Mrs. Whitimore, dying
Of tuberculosis, said it would be after dark
Before the snowplow and bus would reach us.
She read to us from Melville.
How in an almost calamitous moment
Of sea hunting
Some men in an open boat suddenly found themselves
At the still and protected center
Of a great herd of whales
Where all the females floated on their sides
While their young nursed there. The cold frightened whalers
Just stared into what they allowed
Was the ecstatic lapidary pond of a nursing cow's
One visible eyeball.
And they were at peace with themselves.
Today I listened to a woman say
That Melville might
Be taught in the next decade. Another woman asked, "And why not?"
The first responded, "Because there are
No women in his one novel."
And Mrs. Whitimore was now reading from the Psalms.
Coughing into her handkerchief. Snow above the windows.
There was a blue light on her face, breasts and arms.
Sometimes a whole civilization can be dying
Peacefully in one young woman, in a small heated room
With thirty children
Rapt, confident and listening to the pure
God rendering voice of a storm
by Elizabeth Powell
Republic, your cool hands On my schoolgirl shoulders.
Not sure what allegiances meant Until the vows were held by heart,By memory, byrote, by benign betrothal.
Republic, you were mine, I knew Because of Mother's religious pamphlets:Lindsay for Mayor.
McGovern for President.
How to Register Voters.
I didn't ever want to go to school On Saturdays. The baby-sitter said If Nixon won, I'd have to go. Me,Your most cherished child bride.
I wanted a white communion dress Like the ones the Catholic girls wore.
Republic, you know I wanted to play Cards with Mother. Mother smoking Marlboros, watching Watergate all week.
Citizen Mother all consumed at that confessional.
I liked the name Betsy Ross.
I liked the idea of sewing flags.
I liked the tattered textbook about the colonies.
So tender, so tender. My Republic,I am pledged by my childish troth So strangely to you.
Of Seals, and Our Smiles
by Michael Benedikt
The last time they did any harm to anyone was probably thousands
of years ago;therefore we catch them and cut them up into coats,
Their frolicsomeness, too, sliced up by contemptuous human analysis;
Yes, through the binoculars of the human in the dinghy,
like a text beneath some mad scientist's magnifying-glass
The seals as they cavort, tend to scan like some pre-prepared,
allegedly amusing, and gloriously convenient gloss which only tells us
That the weak are only here on this our sad planet to be hurt.
The last time they did any harm to anyone was probably thousands
of years ago;therefore we find them in the circus,
like purportedly hilarious characters, forced by us to be terribly funny
On multicolored stands, noses pressed up against old auto-horns,
Falling all over themselves, and performing national anthems such
as "God Bless America"; "God Save The King"; and, sometimes,
occasionally still, "The Internationale"
Half-Starved for a half-rotten fish, and the target
Of our ancient disrespect, secret loathing,
and finally outright public contempt
Since the weak are only here on this our sad planet to be hurt.
Gaze, gaze again, oh Humans of Goodwill,
upon more of what even our children typically can see
Examine, for example, the sight of a seal coming out of its
little white hut in a crowded city zoo;
and then, as it raises its remaining nose to sniff the city air
Slipping on a banana-peel; and, oh yes, let's examine all the
uproarious reactions to that, as the creature falls
For as long as the weak are only here on this our sad planet to be hurt
Po' Boy Blues
by Langston Hughes
When I was home de
Sunshine seemed like gold.
When I was home de
Sunshine seemed like gold.
Since I come up North de
Whole damn world's turned cold.
I was a good boy,
Never done no wrong.
Yes, I was a good boy,
Never done no wrong,
But this world is weary
An' de road is hard an' long.
I fell in love with
A gal I thought was kind.
Fell in love with
A gal I thought was kind.
She made me lose ma money
An' almost lose ma mind.
Weary, weary,
Weary early in de morn.
Weary, weary,
Early, early in de morn.
I's so weary I wish I'd never been born