
General 更新 2025年03月04日



  From observations of successful people, clinical psychologist and author of Never Go Back: 10 Things You'll Never Do Again ***Howard Books, June 2014***, Dr. Henry Cloud has discovered certain “awakenings” that people have—in life and in business—that once they have them, they never go back to the old way of doing things. And when that happens, they are never the same.


  Although life and business have many lessons to teach us, Dr. Cloud observed 10 “doorways” of learning that high performers go through, never to return again.


  Successful people never again…


  1. Return to what hasn’t worked. Whether a job, or a broken relationship that was ended for a good reason, we should never go back to the same thing, expecting different results, without something being different.


  2. Do anything that requires them to be someone they are not. In everything we do, we have to ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this? Am I suited for it? Does it fit me? Is itsustainable?”If the answer is no to any of these questions, you better have a very good reason to proceed.


  3. Try to change another person. When you realize that you cannot force someone into doing something, you give him or her freedom and allow them to experience the consequences. In doing so, you find your own freedom as well.


  4. Believe they can please everyone. Once you get that it truly is impossible to please everyone, you begin to live purposefully, trying to please the right people.


  5. Choose short-term comfort over long-term benefit. Once successful people know they want something that requires a painful, time-limited step, they do not mind the painful step because it gets them to a long-term benefit.


  6. Trust someone or something that appears flawless. When someone or something looks too good to be true, he, she, or it is. The world is imperfect. No one and no thing is without flaw, and if they appear that way, hit pause.


  7. Take their eyes off the big picture. We function better emotionally and perform better in our lives when we can see the big picture. For successful people, no one event is ever the whole story.


  8. Neglect to do due diligence. No matter how good something looks on the outside, it is only by taking a deeper, diligent, and honest look that we will find out what we truly need to know: the reality that we owe ourselves.


  9. Fail to ask why they are where they find themselves. One of the biggest differences between successful people and others is that in love and in life, in relationships and in business, successful people always ask themselves, what part am I playing in this situation? Said another way, they do not see themselves only as victims, even when they are.


  10. Forget that their inner life determines their outer success. The good life sometimes has little to do with outside circumstances. We are happy and fulfilled mostly by who we are on the inside. Research validates that.


  Everyone makes mistakes…even the most successful people out there. But, what achievers do better than others is recognize the patterns that are causing those mistakes and never repeat them again. In short, they learn from pain—their own and the pain of others.



  1.The first step to controlling your weekends is making conscious choices.


  It's so easy to plop down on the couch on a Friday night or Saturday morning and watch TV,but falling into these routines will suck away the few free hours you have.Instead of doingsomething by default, choose to decide how your time is spent.


  In her book, "What The Most Successful People Do On The Weekend," time management expertLaura Vanderkam writes, "In a world of constant connectivity, even loafing time must beconsciously chosen, because time will be filled with something whether it’s consciously chosenor not — and not choosing means that the something that fills our hours will be less fulfillingthan the something our remembering selves will likely wish we’d elected to do."


  2.Make appointments for yourself, even if it's only to read a book.


  Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee says you need to have a plan for the weekend,setting specific hours or minutes aside for activities you want to do.Then you have to commit.


  Huckabee advises: "If you know you want to read a book, then get the book out and have it setaside and make plans to read it.Say it's going to be at 1.When that starts, get on it.Don't waituntil that afternoon, then think — could I read? Or listen to some music? Or take a walk? Thenyou'll sit about wasting an hour of what little time you have figuring out what to do with therest of it."


  You have to be disciplined and commit to the decisions you make.


  3.Planning actually makes weekends happier, and unlocks a key mechanism of joy.


  Vanderkam cites Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert's 2006 book, "Stumbling on Happiness."In it, Gilbert argues that "the greatest achievement of the human brain is its ability to imagineobjects and episodes that do not exist in the realm of the real."


  Gilbert is talking about anticipation.Anticipation accounts for a huge chunk of happiness, whichcomes from thinking about the events we plan.Vanderkam writes, "As you look forward tosomething good that is about to happen, you experience some of the same joy you would inthe moment.The major difference is that the joy can last much longer."


  4.Plan three to five anchor events each weekend, but don't plan out every hour.


  Vanderkam says most people cringe at the idea of planning their weekends.But placing three tofive main, or "anchor," events on your calender for the weekend doesn't mean you need toplan them down to the minute.


  She writes, "Three things taking three hours apiece is nine hours of your 36 waking ones.Thatleaves a lot of time for sitting and nursing a scotch, if you don't have three small children, orwatching 'The Backyardigans,' if you do."


  5.Make a list of the things you dream about doing, and you'll find the ones you can doevery day.


  When the weekend rolls around there may be so many things that you want to do that youfreeze up and end up doing almost none of them.That's why it's effective to have a reallygood list.


  Vanderkam suggests people create something called "A List of 100 Dreams," which promptsyou to brainstorm anything you might want to do in life.Although some things, like going to seethe pyramids in Egypt, may not be doable right now, by the end of the list you'll have come upwith everyday activities, like getting together with friends for a picnic in the park.


  6.As you make your plans, don't discount something you haven't done in years.


  One of Vanderkam's key secrets is to "dig deep." Even if there are activities that you haven'tdone since childhood, you can still make them part of your regular weekends.


  For example, one of her readers signed up for Saturday morning piano lessons.She says thatsometimes parents get so caught up in planning their kids' lives that they forget to schedulefun activities for themselves.Pick something that means a lot to you, and make it a permanentroutine.


  7.Weekend mornings can be the best time to do things for yourself.


  Weekend mornings are very easily wasted in laying about.Instead, set them aside for personalpursuits.


  Vanderkam writes, "If you're training for a marathon, it's less disruptive for your family if youget up early to do your four-hour run than if you try to do it in the middle of the day.To get upearly, you'll probably have to avoid staying up late the night before, but this is a good idea ingeneral."



  Many people think that squeezing in breakfast before work is a feat in itself. However, researchfrom the World Economic Forum states that successful people make the most of theirmornings.


  They have released a list of 14 things that successful people do in the mornings before the firstmeal of the day.


  It includes exercising, spending quality time with the family, networking over coffee andworking on a personal-passion project.


  The WEF states: "Those among us who have managed to find professional success and ekeout a life actively embrace this philosophy. They must set aside their first hours of the day toinvest in their top-priority activities before other people’s priorities come rushing in."


  This is backed up by science - Laura Vanderkam, a time-management expert and the author of“What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast", cites the famous finding of RoyBaumeister, a Florida State University psychology professor, that willpower is like a muscle thatbecomes fatigued from overuse.


  Diets are easy to keep up with during the day, for example, but often fall flat in the eveningwhen our bodies and willpower get tired.


  However, rest assured that you don't have to do all 14 every day before you munch yourmuseli - just a selection.


  The WEF says: "While they might not do all of these things every morning, each has beenfound to be an effective way to start the day."


  1. Wake up early - according to Laura Vanderkam, 90% of executives wake up before 6am onweekdays. PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, for example, wakes at 4am and is in the office no laterthan 7am. Meanwhile, Disney CEO Bob Iger gets up at 4:30 to read, and Twitter and SquareCEO Jack Dorsey is up at 5:30 to jog.

  早起——勞拉·凡德卡姆稱,90%的高管工作日都會在6點前起床。比如百事公司的CEO英德拉***IndraNooyi***每天早上4點起床,7點前就會到辦公室。迪士尼CEO鮑勃伊格爾***Bob Iger***每天4點半起床開始讀書,Twitter和Square的CEO傑克·多爾塞***Jack Dorsey***每天早上5點半起床慢跑。

  2. Drink water instead of coffee. Drinking water in the morning apparently helps you feelmore alert, rehydrates your body, and kickstarts your metabolism.


  3. Exercise - beyond the fact that exercising in the morning means they can’t later run out oftime, Vanderkam says a pre-breakfast workout helps reduce stress later in the day,counteracts the effects of high-fat diet, and improves sleep.


  4. Work on a top-priority business project


  5. Work on a personal-passion project


  6. Invest in family time, like reading stories to the kids or cooking a big breakfast together.


  7. Connect with spouses before you are tired from the day's activities


  8. Make your bed - this leads to a happier and more productive day


  9. Network over coffee


  10. Meditate to clear your mind


  11. Write down things you're grateful for


  12. Plan and strategise for the day ahead - Using the mornings to do big-picture thinkinghelps you prioritize and set the trajectory of the day


  13. Check your email


  14. Read the news


  Some people have been sceptical about the list:


  Successful people apparently get round to eating breakfast at about 4pm.


  I don't always even wake up before breakfast, let alone anything else


  By "before breakfast", you mean the 24 hours leading up to breakfast?


  To be successful, you now have to "work on a personal-passion project" before breakfast...


  However, there is no doubt that getting organised before work does lead to a more productiveday.


