
General 更新 2025年03月13日



  I have worked with so many people over the years that have made me wonder how on earththey can work at their desk when everything that was in their drawers and in their filingcabinets has ended up in piles on top of their keyboard. One co-worker of mine couldn'tremember what clour the top of his desk was! J had tosay something. but when J did, he toldme that he knew where everything was and needed all that paperwork for different projects hewas working on.

  Some study suggests that about 15% of our time is wasted on looking for misplaced files andpaperwork at the office. People gel really defensive when you tell them that their desk is amess. They say that they don't have time to clean up. as they are too busy. And if they wouldfile certain items they would forger cowork on it and would therefore miss the deadline.

  Hence. first things first. get yourself some folders and a black marker. Take every piece of paperon yourdesk one by one and file them. Make sure that everything you need to do with thesepapers is written down on a "to-do" list or even better in your computer organiser. For example.if you have to work on your budget next Monday, write down "work on budget" in yourcomputer organiser so that when Monday comes, your computer will send you a reminder thatyou need co work on your budget today. Then file that paper in a folder named "budget". Putthat folder away-not on your desk!! But in your filing cabinet. Proceed this way with every bitof information that clutters your desk. Do not get distracted by a form that reminds you thatyou need to do something. Instead. jot it down on your "to-do" list or in your organiser. Youwon't forget it as it has been written down. File it and move on. Keep focused. Only do onething at a time for the moment and that is to organise and clean your desk.


  1. By mentioning his co-worker couldn’t remember the color of the desk top, theauthor implies that_____________.

  A*** the color of the desk top was too trivial to remember

  B*** people were always kept too busy with office work

  C*** people always misplaced their stationery

  D*** disorganized office was hard to tolerate

  2. What did the author most probably say to his co-worker'?

  A*** The author told him to put away the unnecessary paperwork.

  B*** The author asked him for the paperwork he was working on.

  C*** The author advised him to remember where everything was.

  D*** The author suggested he deal with the projects one by one.

  3. Some people regarded the files left on the desk top as _________.

  A*** functionally a computer

  B*** side products of a project

  C*** reminders of the work to do

  D*** evidence for their busy work

  4. A“budget" folder is used for__________.

  A*** keeping the "to-do"list

  B*** recording what has been done

  C} registering the company's budget

  D*** filing the papers useful for future tasks

  5. According to the author, the most important thing right now is to ________.

  A*** sort out the priority of the office work

  B*** clean the desk by filing the paperwork

  C*** be concentrated on what is being done

  D*** stop piling everything on the desk top



  A*** 桌面的顏色這樣的事情太瑣碎,很難記得住

  B*** 人們總是忙於辦公室工作

  C*** 人們總是亂放文具

  D*** 雜亂無章的辦公室讓人無法忍受


  2. 作者最可能跟同事說什麼?

  A*** 作者告訴他要將不必要的文書工作擺在一邊。

  B*** 作者讓他把正在做的文書工作紿自己。


  D*** 作者建議他做事情要一件一件地來。


  3. 有些人認為留在桌面上的檔案_____________。

  A*** 有電腦的作用

  B*** 是一個專案的副產品

  C*** 提醒自己還有什麼工作要做

  D*** 證明了他們的工作有多麼忙

  [C]第2段末句中的if...they would forget表明有些人把檔案堆放在桌面上以防忘記要做的事,因此本題應選C。A.B均無原文依據;D中的busy一詞在第2段倒數第2句提及,但這一句與下一句沒有邏輯上的因果關係,故不能選。

  4. 一個“預算”資料夾是用來___________。

  A*** 儲存“待做事情”清單的

  B*** 記錄已經做了的事情的

  C*** 記錄公司的預算



  5. 作者認為,眼下最重要的事情是_________________。

  A*** 分類辦公室工作的優先順序

  B*** 將文書工作歸檔來整理辦公桌面

  C*** 把注意力敢在正在做的事情上面

  D*** 不要再把所有東西都堆在桌面上

  [B]末段末句的Only do one thing... and that is... 表明該句提到的就是現在所要做的最重要的事,B的內容與that is後的內容相同,因此選B。
