
General 更新 2025年03月04日



  The palm-forward“V”sign, formed by raising andspreading the first two fingers1 ,has three differentmeanings in American culture.The most popularmeaning of the“V”sign was invented in 1941 by aBelgian, Victor De Lavalaye. Wanting a symbol forresistance to the Nazi2 occupation, he came upwith the single letter“V”, which stood not only for hisown first name3, but also for English victory, Flemish virijheid, and French victoire. Thesymbolism of the sign spread very quickly, and Winston Churchill4 used it constantly in publicappearance. Thus throughout the 1940 s and 1950 s, the gesture meant simply“victory”.Thesecond meaning came in the 1960 s. Because of its military implication, Americanantiwarprotestors used the sign sarcastically against the arms, so that it became known as the“ peacesign”. In the 1970s, the“V”sign , which had lost its military implication, was a commongreeting among freedom lovers, acid heads5, political radicals, and ultimately, young people ingeneral. So by about the middle of the 1970s, it ceased to give clue to the user’s philosophy.The third meaning is the oldest and least common. American children jokingly put “V”, whichresembles“ horns”, behind friends’heads in group snapshots. The are unknowingly reproducingsomething that southern Europeans would find highly offensive. This mischief, called“horns ofthe Devil”, is a variant of the European“ horns”gesture, which is obscene. Here the“V”signmeans“Your wife has been cheating on you ”or, when placed behind another’s head,“His wifehas been cheating on him”. In the United States, the gesture is typically given with the palmfacing the viewer. The British use both this version and an older, palm-backward version; thelatter is obscene in American culture, and corresponds to the American“ finger”6 . Churchill gotsome surprised stares in 1941 when, evidently unaware of the vulgar usage, he gave thepalm-backward“V”to British troops. In England today you could have to be a social hermit notto understand the distinction. Astonishingly, however, Margaret Thatcher7 repeatedChurchill’s error after her victory in the 1979 election.

  Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with proper words :

  American children______________________ *** 開玩笑地*** put“V”,which______________________ *** 類似***“ horns”,

  behind friends’heads in group ______________________*** 快照*** . Theyare______________________ *** 無意中地*** reproducing

  something that southern Europeans would find highly______________________ *** 無禮的*** .

  This mischief, called“ horns of the Devil”, is a ______________________*** 變體*** of theEuropean

  “ horns”gesture, which is______________________ *** 淫穢的*** .

  Ⅱ. Exp lain the fo llowing phras es in bold typ e in yo ur own words :

  1. If you kee p yo ur fin ge rs crossed , you ______________________.

  2. If you are all fin ge rs a nd thumbs , you ______________________ .

  3. If you ha ve a finger in every pie , you______________________ .

  4. If you thumb a lift, you______________________.


  1. jokingly / resembles / snapshots / unknowingly /offensive / variant / obscene

  2. 1. hope that something will happen the way youwant2. are clumsy or awkward with your hands

  3. are involved in everything that is happening

  4. try to get a free ride in a motor vehicle ; hitchhike


  The degree to which a bowing or lowering of thebody is emphasized varies from one culture toanother . In many cultures today the full bow orother dramatic lowering of the body is generallyreserved for formal occasions such as greeting ahead of state or monarch. For example, Britishcommoners standing before the queen or beinghonored by royalty in a ceremony of knighthood would be expected to bow, curtsey, or kneel.As part of their religious practices some Christians kneel, Catholics genuflect, and Muslimskowtow3 , an extreme form of body lowering in which the forehead is brought to the ground.Although bowing, as a worldwide phenomenon, has been on the decrease in recent decades, ithas survived in German culture and exists to an even greater degree in modern Japan, wherebows are an integral part of everyday social interaction . In the United States, however,bowing or any type of submissive body posture is particularly irritating, for it tends toconnote undue formality, aristocracy, and a nonverbal denial of egalitarianism. Nowhere isbowing more important to the process of communication today than in Japanese society. Asan indication of how pervasive bowing is in present-day Japan, some experts point out that“some female department store employees have the sole function of bowing to customers atdepartment store escalators and that many Japanese bow repeatedly to invisible partners atthe other end of a telephone line”. Bowing initiates interaction between two Japanese , itenhances and embellishes many parts of the ensuing conversation, and it is used to signalthe end of a conversation. Although Westerners, in a very general

  sense, understand the meaning attached to bowing, appropriate bowing in Japan is anintricate and complex process. Reciprocal bowing is determined largely by rank. In fact, it ispossible to tell the relative social status of the two communicators by the depth of their bows ***the deeper the bow, the lower the status*** . When bowing deeply, it is conventional to leanslightly to the right to avoid bumping heads. The person of lower status is expected toinitiate the bow, and the person of higher status determines when the bow is completed.People of equivalent status are expected to bow at the same depth while starting andfinishing at the same time.

  Ⅰ. Are these statements True or False a ccording to the article ?

  1. Nowadays the full bow or other dramatic lowering of the body is still widely acceptedaroundthe world.

  2. Bowing is prevalent in Japan while the situation is quite different in America.

  3. It is customary to lean slightly to the left to avoid bumping heads when bowing deeply.

  Ⅱ. Complete the sentence s with the proper forms of the words given in parentheses :

  1. There is a __________*** tend*** that more and more people will move from cities to thecountryside.

  2. He __________*** repeat*** fails to pass the exam.

  3. A spirit of hopelessness__________ *** pervasive *** the country.

  4. He is such a chauvinist that he expects his wife to be meek and __________*** submit***.

  5. The government has__________ *** initial*** a new house-building program.


  Ⅰ. 1. F 2. T 3 . F

  Ⅱ. 1. tendency 2. repeatedly 3 . pervaded 4 .submissive 5. initiated
