
General 更新 2025年03月03日



  War may be a natural expression of biological instincts and drives toward aggression in thehuman species. Natural impulses of anger, hostility, and territoriality ***守衛地盤的天性*** areexpressed through acts of violence. These are all qualities that humans share with animals.Aggression is a kind of innate ***天生的*** survival mechanism, an instinct for self-preservationthat allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existences of human violenceare always conditioned by social conventions that give shape to aggressive behavior. Inhuman societies violence has a social function. It is a strategy for creating or destroyingforms of social order. Religious traditions have taken a leading role in directing the powers ofviolence. We will look at the ritual and ethical ***道德上的*** patterns within which humanviolence has been directed.

  The violence within a society is controlled through institutions of law. The more developed alegal system becomes, the more society takes responsibility for the discovery, control, andpunishment of violent acts. In most tribal societies the only means to deal with an act ofviolence is revenge. Each family group may have the responsibility for personally carrying outjudgment and punishment upon the person who committed the offense. But in legalsystems, the responsibility for revenge becomes depersonalized and diffused. The societyassumes the responsibility for protecting individuals from violence. In cases where they cannotbe protected, the society is responsible for imposing punishment. In a state controlled legalsystem, individuals are removed from the cycle of revenge motivated by acts of violence,and the state assumes responsibility for their protection.

  The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus. While the oneprotects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices the individual to violence in theinterests of the state. In war the state affirms its supreme power over the individuals within itsown borders. War is not simply a trial by combating to settle disputes between states; it is themoment when the state makes its most powerful demands upon its people for theircommitment allegiance, and supreme sacrifice. Times of war test a community’s deepestreligious and ethical commitments.


  31. Human violence shows evidence of being a learned behavior in that ________.

  A*** it threatens the existing social systems

  B*** it is influenced by society

  C*** it has roots in religious conflicts

  D*** it is directed against institutions of law***B***

  32. The function of legal systems, according to the passage, is ________.

  A*** to control violence within a society

  B*** to protect the world from chaos

  C*** to free society from the idea of revenge

  D*** to give the government absolute power***A***

  33. What does the author mean by saying “... in legal systems, the responsibility forrevenge becomes depersonalized and diffused” ***Lines 4-5, Para. 2***?

  A*** Legal systems greatly reduce the possibilities of physical violence.

  B*** Offenses against individuals are no longer judged on a personal basis.

  C*** Victims of violence find it more difficult to take revenge.

  D*** Punishment is not carried out directly by the individuals involved.***D***

  34. The word “allegiance” ***Line 4, Para. 3*** is closest in meaning to ________.

  A*** loyalty

  B*** objective

  C*** survival

  D*** motive***A***

  35. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A*** Governments tend to abuse their supreme power in times of war.

  B*** In times of war governments may extend their power across national borders.

  C*** In times of war governments impose high religious and ethical standards on their people.

  D*** Governments may sacrifice individuals in the interests of the state in times of war.


  31. B 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. D


  Researchers who are unfamiliar with the cultural and ethnic groups they are studying musttake extra precautions to shed any biases they bring with them from their own culture. Forexample, they must make sure they construct measures that are meaningful for each of thecultural or ethnic minority groups being studied.

  In conducting research on cultural and ethnic minority issues, investigators distinguishbetween the emic approach and the etic approach. In the emic approach, the goal is todescribe behavior in one culture or ethnic group in terms that are meaningful and important tothe people in that culture or ethnic group, without regard to other cultures or ethnic groups. Inthe etic approach, the goal is to describe behavior so that generalizations can be made acrosscultures. If researchers construct a questionnaire in anemic fashion, the concern is only thatthe questions are meaningful to the particular culture or ethnic group being studied. If,however, the researchers construct a questionnaire in an etic fashion, they want to includequestions that reflect concepts familiar to all cultures involved.

  How might the emic and etic approaches be reflected in the study of family processes? In theemic approach, the researchers might choose to focus only on middle-class White families,without regard for whether the information obtained in the study can be generalized or isappropriate for ethnic minority groups. In a subsequent study, the researchers may decide toadopt an etic approach by studying not only middle-class White families, but also lower-income White families, Black American families, Spanish American families, and Asian Americanfamilies. In studying ethnic minority families, the researchers would likely discover that theextended family is more frequently a support system in ethnic minority families than in WhiteAmerican families. If so, the emic approach would reveal a different pattern of familyinteraction than would the etic approach, documenting that research with middle-class Whitefamilies cannot always be generalized to all ethnic groups.


  36. According to the first paragraph, researchers unfamiliar with the target culturesare inclined to ________.

  A*** be overcautious in constructing meaningful measures

  B*** view them from their own cultural perspective

  C*** guard against interference from their own culture

  D*** accept readily what is alien to their own culture***B***

  37. What does the author say about the emic approach and the etic approach?

  A*** They have different research focuses in the study of ethnic issues.

  B*** The former is biased while the latter is objective.

  C*** The former concentrates on the study of culture while the latter on family issues.

  D*** They are both heavily dependent on questionnaires in conducting surveys.***A***

  38. Compared with the etic approach, the emic approach is apparently more________.

  A*** culturally interactive

  B*** culturally biased

  C*** culture-oriented

  D*** culture-specific***D***

  39. The etic approach is concerned with ________.

  A*** the general characteristics of minority families

  B*** culture-related concepts of individual ethnic groups

  C*** features shared by various cultures or ethnic groups

  D*** the economic conditions of different types of families***C***

  40. Which of the following is true of the ethnic minority families in the ________ U.S.according to the passage?

  A*** Their cultural patterns are usually more adaptable.

  B*** Their cultural concepts are difficult to comprehend.

  C*** They don’t interact with each other so much as White families.

  D*** They have closer family ties than White families.


  36. B 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. D


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