
General 更新 2025年03月05日


  對以往試題的分析表明, 四六級考試聽力部分所涉及的題材句式都比較有限,我們完全可以通過熟悉相關的句式來間接地為聽力部分做準備。我們歸納總結了以下幾個部分,應該說大部分都是讀者們比較熟悉的了,但是一定不要因為看上去比較熟就不去重視它們。





  101 one hundred ***and *** one

  200 two hundred

  998 nine hundred *** and *** ninety?eight

  在英語中上面括弧中的and 一般不能省略;而在美國英語中卻往往省去。請分析下面的對話:

  A:How many people are killed in the terrorists' attacking at America?

  B: That's nine hundred and ninety?eight, exactly.

  A: Woo, you must be joking. How can you get such an accurate number

  B: Ha, ha... surely I am joking. You silly goose.


  1001 a/one thousand ***and*** one

  2232 two thousand two hundred ***and*** thirty?two


  nine hundred billion seven hundred thirty?two million two hundred sixty?six forty three

  英語中一千以上數字的表達方法是以三位數為單元,從高到低billion,million,thousand 而依次讀出的。因此我們在聽時,可以三位數三位數地記錄。試比較下面的對話:

  A:Can you tell me exactly the numbers of the whole people in our country?

  B:One billion four hundred thirty?two million two hundred sixty?six forty three.

  A:Thank you very much.




  上午八點 eight AM ***a.m.*** [ei?em]

  下午九點 nine PM ***p.m.*** [pi??em] 

  六點六分 six six 

  六點三十二 six thirty two

  八點正 eight o'clock


  八點四十五 a quarter to nine

  七點零五分 five past seven

  七點五十四 six to eight

  六點半 half past six


  十一點正 at 11 o'clock sharp

  at 11 o'clock on the hour 

  at 11 o'clock on the strike 

  正午12點 at noon

  午夜12點 at midnight


  W: How long does the class usually last?

  M: Umm, let me think. It starts from a quarter to nine, and ends at nine thirty.


  W: That is forty?five minutes. Thank you very much!?

  Q: When does the class usually start??

  二、日常用語***Everyday English***?


  1.問候類***Greetings*** ?


  How do you do ?***初次見面通常用語***?

  How are you?***比較熟悉的人之間用語***?

  How are you getting along with...?***你近來...可好?***?

  How are you doing?***您工作還順利吧?***?

  How is everything?***一切還好吧?***?

  How is your vacation/holiday***s***/Christmas Day/weekend?***假期怎麼樣?***?


  What's up?***近來可忙?***?


  What's going on ?***近來可好?***?

  How is life??

  How is it going?anything new??

  Pleased to meet you again!?

  對以上問候的對答通常有How do you do! ?

  Fine!Thank you,and you??

  Every is fine!?

  I'm just great!?

  Very***quite***well,thank you!?

  Couldn't be better,thank you!?

  Not bad!?

  Can't complain! ?

  Just so?so.?


  A:Good morning, Ms Lucy. This is Betty, can you still remember me??

  B:Betty? Is it really? Surely I remember you. You are my good friend, and I haven't seenyou for ages, but how are you??

  A:Fine, I'm just fine, Ms Lucy...



  Good bye! ***Bye?bye! Bye!***

  See you ***tomorrow***! See you later!?

  So long! Farewell!


  I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. ?

  I'm afraid I must be going now. ?

  I'm calling to say goodbye.?


  I'll look forward to seeing you soon. ?

  Let's hope we'll meet again. ?

  Hope to see you again. ?

  Drop in anytime you like. ?

  Mind how you go, bye! ?

  Take care of yourself, and don't forget to keep in touch. ?

  Do keep in touch!?

  My regards to your family. ?

  A pleasant journey to you! ?

  I'll miss you!?

  Be Good!



  M: I'm afraid I've got to go now。?

  W: Can't you stay just another minute??

  M: Oh, dear, I really have to...?

  W: Ok, take care of yourself, and I will miss you. Bye! ?

  M: Bye!...?

  3. 介紹***Introduction***?



  May I know your name?***請問貴姓?***?

  It's my pleasure to introduce you to each other.***我非常高興給你們互相介紹*** ?

  May I introduce Mr. Bill to you all?***請允許我給大家介紹以下比爾先生***?

  Margaret,can you introduce me to her?***瑪格麗特,你能不能把我介紹給她?***?

  Let me introduce you to others.***讓我給大家介紹一下你吧***?

  Meet my sister Cathy.***這是我的姐***妹***凱絲***?

  Bill, this is Tom.?

  Hi, I'm Susan,this is my calling card.***你好!我是蘇珊,這是我的名片***?


  A: Mum, this is Peter. I mentioned him to you yesterday. He is my new boyfriend!

  B: Oh, yeah, I see. Glad to meet you, Peter.?

  C: Glad to meet you too, Mrs Back. This is my calling card.?

  B: Oh, the manager of IMC. How come? Mary, you said last night he was only a milkman…?

  A: Yeah, mum. Peter is a milkman. He is the manager of International Milk Corporation. Yousee, he is the only person in his corporation he founded this morning.?

  B: My God!?

  4. 邀請和拜訪***Invitation and dropping in***


  Would you like to come over our small party?***你願意參加我們的小聚會嗎?***?

  If you ever in Beijing, please do look me up.***如果你來北京,請一定來看我***?

  Would you like to join us?***喜歡和我們一起嗎?***?

  Shall we dance?***我們可以跳個舞嗎?***?

  Shall we go for a walk?***去散步,好嗎?***?

  What about another coffee? ***再來一杯咖啡?***?

  Shall we go to see a film?***去看電影,好嗎?***?

  May I have a dance with you?***可以請你跳個舞嗎?***?

  We'd be very honored if you come to our wedding ceremony.***如果你能參加婚禮,我們將感到非常的榮幸。***

  Would you honor us with a visit?***可否賞光來我們這兒?***?

  I'd like to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony.***我希望你能參加我們的畢業典禮。***?

  I'm very sorry, but can we make it another time?***很對不起,下次可以嗎?***?

  Welcome to our city!***歡迎光臨我們的城市!***?

  Are you free this evening? I want to pay you a visit.***晚上有時間嗎? 我想去看你。***?

  I really can't thank you enough for the invitation.***得到你的邀請, 我感激涕零。***?

  It's my great honor to attend this grand graduation ceremony.***能參加這次盛大的畢業典禮,我感到非常的榮幸。***?


  Dialogue 1?

  M: Will you do me the honor of dancing with me, Mrs. Jones??

  W: Oh, I'm really sorry. I've done too much of it.?

  M: Ok, I see... ?

  Dialogue 2?

  M: Would you like to see a film with me tonight??

  W: Oh, it is great.?

  Dialogue 3?

  M: How about have a drink in that bar??

  W: I'm afraid I can't...?

  5.道歉和應答***Apology and response***?


  I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you last night.***對於昨晚帶給你的不便,我感到非常的慚愧。***?

  I've got to say sorry for what I said rudely just now.***我很抱歉剛才對你說的那些無禮的話。***?

  I'm awfully sorry about the delay.***對這次耽誤,我感到非常的抱歉。***?

  It was me to blame.***這是我的錯。***?

  I do beg your pardon.***求你原諒我。***?

  I am sorry to bump into you. ***對不起,撞著您了。***?

  I'm afraid I've taken you up too much for your time.***花您那麼多時間,實在對不起。***?

  It was all my fault to have done...***這都是我的錯……***?

  We really didn't mean that at all.***我們真的沒有那樣的意思。***?

  Please forgive me for...***請原諒……***?

  That's all right, don't think any more about it.***沒什麼大不了的,別想的太多。***?

  It's nothing serious. You don't have to upset yourself. ***沒有那麼嚴重,不必太自責。***?

  It's not as bad as that. There is no point to getting upset.***沒那麼糟,不要為此而不安。***?

  That's okay. Don't let it bother you.***沒事,別想的太多了。***?


  Dialogue 1?

  A: It's so careless of me to have lost your book...?

  B: Oh, that's doesn't matter. Because, you know, that's just the one I borrowed from yourfather...?

  Dialogue 2?

  A: I'm terribly sorry for breaking into your room, but...?

  B: Ok, what's your problem? ?

  A: Someone's chasing me behind, and, and I need your help...?

  B: Oh,...?

  6.責備與抱怨***Blame and complaint***?


  What on earth is the matter here?***到底發生了什麼事?***?

  I'm afraid I have a complaint to make about the service.***我對你們的服務有意見。***

  You ought to be ashamed of what you've done on me.***你應為你對我所做的事感到羞愧。***?

  Why on earth did you say such a silly thing to me?***你對我說這種蠢話究竟是什麼意思?***?

  You've no right to help yourself.***你無權自己動手!***?

  I'm not a bit satisfied with such a result.***我對這樣的結果一點也不滿意!***?

  You ought to be careful enough next time.***你下次再不能這樣粗心了。***?

  I got very annoyed about it.***我對此煩透了。***?

  Can't you be serious for once?***你就不能嚴肅一次?***?

  Don't interfere in my business, please.***請別干涉我的私事。***?

  It's no nice of you to behave like that.***你那樣做太不像話。***?



  A: You don't have to play the radio so loud, do you??

  B: Oh,I'm really sorry about it?

  Q: What happened to the second man??

  7. 意見與判斷***Views and judges ***?





  Yes, I quite agree with you about that.***對,關於此問題,我與你意見相同。***?

  You are quite right here. I have no objection.***這次你非常正確,我沒別的意見。***?

  I'm with you there. That's a fine idea. ***我支援你,這個主意不錯。***?

  There is no doubt about it. I think this one will do.***沒什麼可懷疑的,我認為就這


  I rather doubt that.***我非常懷疑。***?

  I beg differ with you.***請允許我表示異議。***?

  I don't quite agree with you. I'm against it. ***我不十分同意你的意見,我反對。***?

  Many people have different ideas. ***許多人有不同的想法。***?

  That's where I disagree with you.***這就是我不同意你的地方。***?

  My own view exactly.***這正好是我的觀點。***?

  I don't think it's very practical.***我不認為這很實際。***?


  Dialogue 1?

  W:I weigh 180 pounds now. I need some new clothes.\;

  M: Maybe you should go on a diet.\;

  W: readly?...?

  Dialogue 2?

  W: I'm here for my 12 o'clock appointment with Prof. Li.\;

  M: Why don't you have a seat for a moment?\;

  W: Oh, yes. Thank you.\;

  8.祝願與祝福***Wishes and congratulations***?


  Every success in your study! Here's to a happy marriage.***祝你工作順利,婚姻美滿。***?

  Wish you success! May you success!***祝你成功!***?

  Please convey my best wishes to Bill.***請向比爾傳達我最好的祝願。***?

  The best of luck! Best wishes! Best regards!***好運!祝福!***?

  I drink to your promotion.***我為你的提升乾杯!***?

  Allow me to offer my heartiest wishes.***請允許我向你表示衷心的問候。***?

  I'd like to be the first to congratulate you.***我想第一個向你表示祝賀。***?

  Enjoy your vacation!***假日愉快!***?


  A: Lily and I are going to be married tomorrow.?

  B: Woo, really? Congratulations! But...?

  A: What's that??

  B: I was wondering that you would marry Cathie.?

  三、特定場合***Specific Occasions***?



  I'm a graduate from Peking University of 2002.***我是北京大學2002屆的畢業生。***?

  I have a bachelor degree of Arts ***Science***.***我是文科/理工科學士。***?

  I'm taking economics and mathematics.***我學經濟和數學。***?

  What kind of grades did you make in college?***你在大學的學習情況怎麼樣?***?

  You will fail in the examination if you don't work hard.***你如果不好好學習,考試


  I got full score in the final examination.***期末考試我得了滿分。***?

  May I have a look at your schedule?***我可以看一下你的課程表嗎?***?

  When is the new semester going to start?***新學期什麼時候開始?***?

  A lecture on modern arts will be delivered by Dr. Gore in five minutes.***戈爾博士的現代藝術講座五分鐘後開始。***?


  A: Hi, Jerry. I'd like you to meet my friend Lucia. She graduated from the same university asyours.?

  B: Glad to meet you, Lucia.?

  A: Glad to meet you too, Jerry. When did you graduate from Yale University??

  B: In 2000. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree. What did you major in??

  A: I majored in child psychology. I was interested in the way children learn to read andwrite.?




  Have you made reservations?***有沒有預定?***?

  For one or for two, Sir?***一位,還是兩位?***?

  Here or to go?***在這兒吃呢,還是拿走?***?

  May I have your order, Sir?***先生,現在點菜嗎?***?

  Could we see the menu, please?***請把選單拿來?***?

  Which do you prefer, Chinese food or western food?***你喜歡吃中國菜還是西方菜?***

  We would like some local specialties.***我們想吃一些特色菜。***?

  Well, what would you recommend?***嗯,你可以推薦一些菜嗎?***?

  Well, The roast lamb's very delicious!***哇,這烤羊腿吃起來真香!***?

  How would you like your steak, rare or well done?***喜歡吃嫩牛排,還是稍微爛一點?***?

  Waiter! the bill, please! Check, please! ***買單!***?

  Let us go Dutch this time, ok?***我們AA制,怎麼樣?***?


  A: Waiter! The menu, please.?

  B: Here you are, Miss. Beijing Duck is one of our specialties, and it's very delicious.?

  A: Thank you, but I'd like to choose myself.?

  B: Sorry, Miss. But everyone here likes it.?

  A: I hate the talkative people, and I will eat nothing here.?

  B: I'm really sorry about it, but...?



  How do we open a savings account?***儲蓄帳戶怎麼開?***?

  I'd like to open a current account.***我想開一個活期存款戶頭。***?

  How much money do you want to deposit?***你將存多少錢?***?

  Here is your bankbook!***你的存摺!***?

  Could you tell me my balance?***我還有多少餘額?***?

  I want to close my account. ***我要求取消帳戶。***?

  This is a foreign exchange office.***這是外幣兌換處。***?

  What's the rate of exchange between US dollar and RMB?***美圓和人民幣的兌換率為多少?***?

  The interest rate is 4 percent.***利息為百分之四。***?

  What kind of currency do you want?***你需要什麼幣種?***?

  Ten yuan is the minimum original deposit.***儲存最低限度為10圓。***?

  A: Welcome to our bank, Sir. Can I help you??

  B: I'd like to open a current account.?

  A: How much money do you want to deposit??

  B: What's the minimum original deposit??

  A: Fifty RMB, Sir.?

  B: Ok, how about the interest??

  A: 6 percent for current deposit.?

  B: Umm, I see, and I need to think about it...?



  I have a bad cough and my chest aches.***我咳嗽得厲害並且胸口疼。***?

  I've sprained my ankle, and I've got a very bad headache.***我腳踝扭了,並且頭疼的厲害。***?

  I have a sore throat and a toothache.***我牙疼並且喉嚨痛。***?

  Do you have any appetite?***胃口好嗎?***?

  You need to take a blood pressure, and then have a blood test.***你先測血壓,然後驗血。*** ?

  I'll have to give you a injection. After that, an urgent operation is necessary.***我先給你打一針,然後動手術。***?

  We will transfer you to another hospital.***你將轉院治療。***?

  Take two of these pills after meal, three times a day.***此藥一天三次,每次兩片,飯後服用。***?

  I'll give you a prescription.***我給你開個藥方吧。***?

  This bottle of liquid medicine is for external application. ***這瓶藥水用以外塗。***


  D: Now would you lower your shorts??

  P: What's that??

  D: Just an injection.?

  P: Will it hurt??

  D: Well, it won't hurt me,... There. Now, these pills.?

  P: Do I need to stay in hospital??

  D: I'm afraid you have to.?


  1. 約會***Date***?


  Would Dr. Norman be able to see me at nine sharp tonight?***今天晚上九點諾曼爾醫生有時間見我嗎?***

  Alice, do you happen to be free this afternoon?***愛麗絲,你今天下午有空嗎?***?

  I was wondering if you were doing anything on Saturday evening? ***星期六晚上您是否有空?***?

  How about going on a hike tomorrow? ***去踏青,好嗎?***?

  Should I make an appointment with you for the next few days?***以後幾天我還需要和你預約嗎?***?



  Oh, surely I can, I'd really appreciate it.***哦,當然可以,我非常樂意!***?

  That's settled then.***就這麼定了。***?

  I'd love to, but I...***我很想去,但是……***?


  A: Good morning. Doctor Croat's office. Can I help you??

  B: I'd like to make an appointment to see the dentist.?

  A: Let me see. I can arrange for you to see the doctor in a week.?

  B: Can't I see him tomorrow??

  A: I'm afraid you can't. The dentist is very busy these days.?

  2. 觀光和旅遊 ***Visit and tour***?


  We've arranged for to visit the Terra?cotta Warriors. ***我們為你安排了參觀兵馬俑。***?

  The exhibits are a feast for eyes.***這些展品使我大開眼界。***?

  I'm impressed by this piece of work.***這些作品給我印象頗深。***?

  Please give me some of your tourist brochures.***請給我一些你們的旅遊資料。***?

  Would you please tell me some of the attractions here.***可否介紹我一些這兒的名勝?***?

  Is it worthwhile to see the ancient city?***此古城很值一看嗎?***?

  What time do we depart?***我們什麼時候出發?***?

  Show your admission tickets, please!***請出示門票。***?


  A: Oh, darling. Our vacation's coming tomorrow.?

  B: Yeah, It's just wonderful! So, do you have any plan for it??

  A: Umm, how about take a trip to Hawaii??

  B: Hawaii's too hot for us to bear, my dear.?

  A: Then, how about go to Hong Kong??

  B: How can you think about that? There is nothing interesting in Hong Kong!?

  A: But, but... where do you really like to go??

  B: Beijing, my little sweetheart. Do you know why??

  A: I got it. Because it's so near to our home.?

  3. 商業往來***Business***?

  商業往來是少見的一個特定場合,其詞彙需要牢記,固定搭配如 cut down, go up 要熟


  Please have a look at these samples!***請看樣品。***?

  We have the widest selections in the whole city.***我們擁有這整個城市最齊全的貨品.***?

  Our prices are the most reasonable.***我們的價格是最合理的。***?

  How much have they gone up?***上漲了多少?***?

  We can offer you better discount terms.***我們可以向你提供更為合理的折扣。***?

  I've come to talk about the feasibility of a joint venture。 ***我來是為了商談合資經營的可能性。*** ?

  We can cut down the price for you, how about two percent?***我們可以給你減價百分之二,怎麼樣?***?

  After signing the contract, let's have a drink to celebrate the successful cooperation.***簽完合同後,讓我們喝一杯以慶祝我們的合作愉快。***?

  It's a pleasure to do business with you. ***和你做生意非常愉快。***?


  A: Ok, here we're seated for our business. Where is your sample??

  B: Here you are. You see that we can offer a wider selection than any others.?

  A: Maybe you are right, but the prices here seem a little unreasonable.?

  B: We have to increase our prices, you know, because of the depression of oil market. ?

  A: Really??

  B: Sure,...and surely we can still cut down the price for you, our old trade partner. Twopercent, is it OK??

  A: It sounds much better this time. Ohm, OK, it's done. ?

  B: It's done. And I must say that it's a great pleasure to do business with you.

  So, how about have a drink??

  A: To celebrate the successful cooperation? Interesting. Ok, let's go.?
