
General 更新 2025年03月25日


  八年級較短的英文笑話:Hard of hearing

  Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were taking a walk one fine March day. One remarked to the other, "Windy, ain‘t it?" "No," the second man replied, "It‘s Thursday." And the third man chimed in, "So am I. Let‘s have a coke."

  三個退休人員,每個人都有一個聽力損失,正在散步一個晴朗的行軍日。一個對另一個說:“有風,不是嗎?” “不,”第二個男人回答說,“是星期四。” 和第三的人表示贊同,“我也是,讓我們有一個可樂。”


  An old man visits his doctor and after thorough examination the doctor tells him: "I have good news and bad news, what would you like to hear first?" patient: "Well, give me the bad news first." Doctor: "You have cancer, I estimate that you have about two years left." patient: "OH NO! That‘s awefull! In two years my life will be over! What kind of good news could you probably tell me, after this???" Doctor: "You also have Alzheimer‘s. In about three months you are going to forget everything I told you."

  一位老人去看醫生,經過徹底檢查後,醫生告訴他:“我有好訊息和壞訊息,你想先聽什麼?” 病人:“好吧,先把壞訊息告訴我。” 醫生:“你得了癌症,我估計你大約有兩年時間了。” 病人:“哦,不!這是awefull!在兩年我的生活將結束!在這之後,你可能會告訴我什麼樣的好訊息呢???” 醫生:“你也有老年痴呆症,在大約三個月的時間裡,你會忘記我告訴你的一切。”

  八年級較短的英文笑話:Recently seen

  Recently seen on a card... Outside: We dont feel sorry for you blowing all those candles, what about us... Inside: ... We had to stay up all night lighting them!

  最近在一張卡片上看到… 外:我們不感到抱歉,你吹了所有這些蠟燭,我們呢… 裡面:…我們不得不熬夜照亮他們!

  八年級較短的英文笑話:Married four times

  Two ladies were hanging out together and one was depressed. "What's wrong?" The depressed one replied, "I've been married four times and every one of my husbands has passed away." The other lady asked, "What did they used to do?" The depressed lady replied, "Well, my first husband was a millionaire, the second was a magician, the third was an evangelist***福音傳道者***, and the fourth was a mortician***殯儀業者***." And the other said, "Oh, I see, one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go...

  兩位女士在一起玩兒,一個是沮喪。“怎麼了?” 沮喪的回答說:“我已經結婚四次,每一個我的丈夫已經去世了。” 其他夫人問道:“他們用來做什麼?“抑鬱夫人回答說,“嗯,我的第一任丈夫是一個百萬富翁,第二次是一個魔術師,第三是一個傳教士***福音傳道者***,第四個是殯儀業者。” ,另一個說:“噢,我明白了,一個為了錢, 準備兩個,三個,和四個去……

  八年級較短的英文笑話:The Russian baby

  Morris and Becky were delighted when finally their long wait to adopt a baby came to an end. The adoption center called and told them they had a wonderful Russian baby boy, and the couple took him without hesitation... On the way home from the adoption center, they stopped by the local college so they each could enroll in night courses. After they filled out the form, the registration clerk inquired, "What ever possessed you to study Russian?" The couple said proudly, "We just adopted a Russian baby and in a year or so he'll start to talk. We just want to be able to understand him."

  莫里斯和貝基心情非常好他們的漫長的等待之後終於採取嬰兒結束。採用中心打電話告訴他們有一個美妙的俄羅斯男孩,和這對夫婦毫不猶豫地把他…… 從收養中心回家的路上,他們停止了當地的大學希望能夠參加夜校就讀。填寫表單後,登記員問:“是什麼讓你學習俄語呢?” 這對夫婦自豪地說,“我們只是採取了俄羅斯嬰兒在一年左右的時間,他會開始說話。我們只是希望能夠理解他。”

